He is head of the palace, won the battle of tours and the successor of Clovis?
Charles Martel
Series of rulers in Europe. "Clovis --> Charles --> ..."?
Clovis --> Charles --> Pepin the short --> Charlemagne --> Louis the Pious --> Lothair, Charles the bald, Louis the German
He ruled the Carrolingian Dynasty/The holy empire?
Who crowned Charlemagne as thanks?
Pope Leo
in what year BCE was the rebellion in Rome and who came to Rome to face the rebellion?
500 BCE, Charlemagne
Kingdom of France took the name as what?
Who is Charlemagne's successor/son?
Louis the Pious
The empire was divided into 3 between Charlemagne's sons
The division of Charlemagne's empire CLUE: Treaty?
Treaty of Verdun
Frankish empire weakened due to political conflicts and weak leaders.
Invasion of Muslim groups from North Africa
Most feared by the Franks?
Social system?
FeudalLord, Nobility, Priest
They own huge lands in a kingdom?
Feudal Lord
These include the kings and vassal?
The only group that has studied various subject beside warfare. It consists of Bishops(Vishops)?
It is derived from the word "Feodus" or "Fief", the word referring to the land given to the first vassal
Who do they work for:
Vassal ; Feudal Lord
Peasants ; Vassals and Knights
Knights = protection to Feudal lord and Vassals
It means little lord or little vassal?
Trade system with gold?
Barter system
it is an estate where people in the middle ages used to live?
it is the economic relationship between landlords, nobles and serfs?
These people are laborers (Peasants, slaves, farmers etc). They pay taxes to landlord. They also need permission if they wish to marry or leave the manor?
2 powerful kingdoms of Europe? (LG1)
Merovingian Dynasty and Carolingian Dynasty
Composed of traders and artisans, middle class in society?
Bourgeoisies are:
Artisans and Traders
Moneylenders and investors
Bourgeoisie came from the word "Burghers" which means anyone living in a town
It refers to the theory that the power of a country lies on its wealth. An economic theory. To gain wealth through commerce?
The wealth of a state was measured by the number of their bullion
Mercantilism = exports and imports = more bullion
Exports = product of another country
Imports = receiving product from another country
It mean gold or silver bars?
wealth was used to strengthen the government, reinforced army, and develop economy of the country
843 C.E, kingdom of Charlemagne took the L and landlord violated Europe (C. Rise of Monarchies)
11th century - they powered up, mostly France and England (C. The rise of monarchies)