the enthalpy change when molar quantities of reactantsas specified bychemical equationreact to form products at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
SEC of fmth
the enthalpy change when 1 mol of a purecmpd in a specified state is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states, at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
SEC of combustion
the heat energyreleased when 1 mol of substance is completely burned in oxygen at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
SEC of hyd
the heat energyreleased when 1 mol of gaseous ion is dissolved in largeamt of water at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
SEC of soln
the heatchange when 1mol of solute is completelydissolved in enoughsolvent so that no more heat change takes place on adding more solvent at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
sec of neut
the heat change when an amount of acid neutralises a base to form 1 mol of water at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
sec of atom
the enthalpychange when 1 mol of atoms in gasphase is formedfrom the element in the defined physical state at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
bond energy
averageenergyrequired when 1 mol of X-Y bond is broken in gaseous state
bond dissociation energy
energy required to break 1 mol of particularX-Y bond in a particularcompound in gaseous state
enthalpy change when 1 mol of a pure solid ioniccmpd is formed from its constituent gaseous ions at 1 atmosphere and 298k temperature
1st IE
energyrequired to remove1 mol of e- from 1 mol of gaseous X atoms to form 1 mol of gaseous X+ ions
1st EA is exothermic because
the attraction between the nucleus of O atom and the added electron is greater than the repulsion between the electrons. 2nd EA is endothermic because energy is required to overcome the repulsion when electron are added to a negatively charged O ion.