Cards (34)

  • Overall Organization of Vascular Plants:
    • Plants have a hierarchical organization consisting of organs, tissues, and cells
  • 3 Basic Plant Organs:
    • Roots: absorb water, minerals and other nutrients from the soil, anchor & support plant in the ground
    • Stems: structural support of plant above ground, transport of water & nutrients throughout the plant
    • Leaves: harvesting light & CO2 for photosynthesis
  • Root Function:
    • Anchorage in the soil
    • Roots supply the plant with water, mineral nutrients, carbohydrate storage
    • Roots rely on shoot system for carbohydrates
    • Roots also need access to O2
  • Root Structures:
    • The primary root gives rise to lateral roots to increase absorption and anchorage
    • Tiny root hairs maximize surface area for absorption
    • In many plants, the primary root develops into a taproot for support and carbohydrate storage
  • Fibrous Root Structures:
    • In some plants, the primary root disappears and a fibrous root system forms to retain topsoil and increase survival from grazing animals
  • Evolutionary Adaptations of Roots:
    • Prop roots
    • Buttress roots
    • Pneumatophores
    • Adventitious roots develop from unusual sources (stems, leaves) for greater structural support and O2 access in watery environments
  • Stem Structure and Function:
    • Internodes
    • Apical buds at shoot tips where growth occurs
    • Axillary buds give rise to lateral branches, thorns or flowers
  • Evolutionary Adaptations of Stems:
    • Rhizomes grow just beneath the soil surface and give rise to vertical shoots from axillary buds
    • Stolons function as "runners" along the soil surface giving rise to new plantlets
    • Tubers serve as storage "sinks" for carbohydrates
  • Leaf Structure & Function:
    • Petiole
    • Axillary bud
    • Leaflet
    • Compound leaf
    • Simple leaf
    • Veins with branched (dicots) or parallel (monocots) arrangement
  • Evolutionary Adaptations of Leaves:
    • Tendrils cling to larger support structures
    • Spines repel herbivores
    • Bulbs store nutrients
    • Reproductive leaves detach and give rise to a new plant (asexual)
  • 3 Basic Plant Tissue Types:
    • Dermal tissue: outer, protective covering of the plant
    • Vascular tissue: transports water, nutrients & gives structural support
    • Ground tissue: everything else
  • More on Dermal Tissue:
    • Epidermis in nonwoody plants and structures, covered with a waxy cuticle
    • Trichomes in epidermal tissue provide protection from water loss, intense light, and insects
    • In woody plants, epidermis develops into periderm (part of the bark)
  • More on Vascular Tissue:
    • Xylem transports water & minerals upward
    • Phloem transports photosynthetic products downward
    • Phloem & xylem organized into vascular bundles or cylinders called steles
  • More on Ground Tissue:
    • Pith: ground tissue found internal to the vascular tissue
    • Cortex: ground tissue found between the dermal and vascular tissue
    • Ground tissues include cells involved in storage, transport, structural support, and photosynthesis
  • Basic Plant Cell Types:
    • Parenchyma: metabolically active, capable of cell division and further differentiation
    • Collenchyma: provide flexible support without restraining growth
    • Sclerenchyma: provide rigid support due to thick cell walls containing lignin
    • Water-conducting cells of xylem and phloem
  • Meristem Tissue:
    • Plants have indeterminate growth throughout life due to meristem tissue with unlimited replicative potential
    • 2 types of meristems: Apical Meristem and Lateral Meristem
  • Apical Meristem:
    • Located at the tips of roots and shoots, responsible for growth in length (primary growth)
  • Lateral Meristem:
    • Responsible for secondary growth in stems
  • Secondary growth in stems is due to 2 types of lateral meristem:
    • Vascular cambium which adds new layers of phloem & xylem
    • Cork cambium which replaces the epidermis with protective periderm
  • Primary growth of roots:
    • Root tips have a protective, non-dividing root cap
    • Zone of Cell Division contains apical meristem cells
    • Zones in successive developmental stages:
    • Zone of Elongation pushes root into soil
    • Zone of Differentiation where cells adopt specific fates
  • In most eudicot roots, there is a central vascular cylinder (stele) with a “X-shaped” arrangement of xylem as seen in cross section with phloem filling in between the “arms” of the X
  • Lateral root growth occurs from the meristematic pericycle, the outermost layer of cells in the vascular cylinder just inside the endodermis, the innermost layer of cortex
  • Primary growth of shoot structures occurs from:
    • Apical meristem which lengthens the stem and gives rise to leaf primordia
    • Axial meristem which gives rise to new branches from the main stem
  • In most eudicot stems, the vascular tissue consists of bundles of phloem and xylem arranged in a ring around the central pith tissue
    • Xylem is always located inside the phloem adjacent to the pith
  • In most monocot stems, the vascular tissue consists of bundles of phloem and xylem scattered throughout the ground tissue
  • Leaf structure:
    • Epidermis: outer cell layer on both sides of leaf, secretes waxy cuticle to waterproof the leaf
    • Mesophyll: loosely packed photosynthetic parenchyma cells in palisade or spongy arrangement
    • Vascular Bundles: phloem & xylem surrounded by bundle sheath cells
    • Stomata: openings for gas exchange, transpiration, regulated by guard cells
  • Secondary growth of stems & roots:
    • Vascular cambium is a single-celled ring of meristem between primary xylem and phloem, produces new (secondary) xylem toward the inside and new (secondary) phloem toward the outside
    • Cork cambium produces cork cells periderm in place of the original epidermis to produce a protective outer layer
  • Growth rings in woody stems reveal past climates:
    • Spring wood differs from summer wood, wider rings indicate warm & wet conditions, narrower rings indicate cold & dry conditions
  • Genetic control of flowering:
    • Environmental cues trigger flower development in plants like Arabidopsis
    • Mutants have led to the ABC hypothesis of flower development where inner whorls develop into petals and sepals instead of stamens and a carpel
  • Asymmetrical cell division in plants:
    • Asymmetrical cell division precedes the adoption of distinct cell fates
    • Mutants like gnom demonstrate the importance of asymmetric cell division in early plant development
  • Arabidopsis - A model plant:
    • Much plant development knowledge comes from studying Arabidopsis thaliana
    • Advantages include small size, fast growth, and small genome size
  • Genetic modification of Arabidopsis:
    • Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used to introduce new traits into plants
    • DNA of interest can be cloned into the Ti plasmid region and then introduced into the host plant genome
  • More on Vascular Cambium:
    • 2o phloem and xylem cells form adjacent to the vascular cambium cells, pushing earlier layers further away from the vascular cambium
  • More on Woody Stems:
    • Older xylem that no longer transports fluid is hardwood
    • Newer, active xylem is sapwood
    • 2o phloem + periderm make up the bark