W5: Social control and conformity

Cards (20)

  • Social - people's interaction and influence
  • Control - to act in a certain way
  • Conformity - acceptable act or manner
  • When the person violates the behavioral norms of his/her society, he/she will be subjected to corresponding social sanctions.
  • Social sanctions can be formal and informal
  • Formal sanction includes fine, imprisonment, and death
  • Informal sanction includes disapproval, ridicule, gossip, and deprivation
  • Deviance - there are some instances when some individual behave in contrast with what is expected of them
  • Deviance is the violation of established social norms, whether, folkways, mores, or laws
  • Folkways is the right vs rude
  • Mores is the right vs wrong. It is heavier (taboo topics)
  • Laws is the right vs illegal
  • Deviance is not always negative. Creating differences is innovation. Hence, inventors/discoverers are deviant geniuses.
  • The forms of deviance are:
    • Ritualism
    • Innovation
    • Retreatism
  • Robert King Merton was an American sociologist who is considered a
    founding father of modern sociology, and a major contributor to the
    subfield of criminology. He served as the 47th President of the American Sociological Association.
  • Conformity - accept the goal, accept the means
  • ritualism - reject the goal, accept the means
  • retreatism - reject both the goal and the means
  • Innovation - accept the goal, reject the means
  • Rebellion - might be accepting or rejecting the goals and/or the means