lesson 22-3

Cards (16)

  • room rack - where registration records are inserted
  • key rack - array of numbered compartments used to store guest room keys
  • information racks - aluminum slots designed to hold guest information slips
  • folio tray - bucket where the guest folios are
  • voucher rack - container for vouchers
  • money verifier - money detector
  • safety deposit box - storage for safekeeping of important belongings
  • account posting machine - for calculating, posting, monitoring, and balancing charges and guests accounts
  • telephone equipment - consists of call accounting system
  • credit card reader - used to read magnetic stripe cards
  • security monitor - comes in a form of a closed-circuit television (CCTV)
  • multizone clocks - indicators of the time at different time zones around the world
  • computers - most useful electronic device
  • printers - attached to computers to print hard copies
  • cash register - for registrating and calculating transactions
  • software - computerized system used to store, access, and retrive booking and reservation information