Fenestrated elastic membranes are typical for the arteries of muscle type
Continuous capillaries consist of an endothelial layer, its underlying basal lamina and associated pericytes within the basal lamina
Pericytes are associated cells within the basal lamina of the endothelial cells of capillaries
Adipose tissue is found in the epicardium
In the region of fossa ovalis in septum interatriale there is no myocardium
The atrioventricular node is situated in its subendocardial location
The valves of the veins are double folding of tunica intima
The right ventricle of the heart at cross section has semilunar shape
There is adipose tissue in the heart epicardium
The left ventricle of the heart at cross section has semilunar shape
There is adipose tissue in the heart endocardium
The lining of the inner walls of the heart's chambers is termed the visceral pericardium
Subendothelium of blood vessels is loose connective tissue with blood vessels
Tunica media of the aorta is made of fenestrated elastic membranes
If the heart's natural pacemaker fails to fire, then the node on the floor of the right atrium would act as a secondary pacemaker
Which tunic of an artery contains endothelium? Tunica intima
The exchange of gases and nutrients between blood and tissues is a major function of capillaries
Which of the following statements best describes arteries? All arteries carry blood away from the heart
The circulatory pathway that carries blood from the digestive tract towards the liver is termed the hepatic portal circuit
Immediately following strenuous and vigorous exercise, capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood
The lining of the inner walls of the heart's chambers is termed the endocardium
The outermost layer of the heart's serous pericardium is termed the parietal pericardium
The heart's natural pacemaker is termed the sinoatrial node
What is most responsible for propelling blood in the arterial system during cardiac diastole? Elastic recoil of conducting (elastic) arteries
The basal membrane of the fenestrated capillaries is continuous
The layers of the endocardium are: Endothelial, Subendothelial, Myoelastic, Subendocardial
The capillaries are: Continuous, Fenestrated, Discontinuous
The valves between the atria and ventricles in the heart are: Bicuspidal or mitral, Tricuspidal
The fibrous skeleton of the heart includes: Right fibrous ring, Left fibrous ring, Right fibrous trigone, Left fibrous trigone
The arteries which supply the heart wall with blood are: Left coronary artery, Right coronary artery
Typical for myocardium is: 3 types of muscle tissue cells - cardiac myocytes, Purkinje cells, Myocardial endocrine cells, Myocardium of the ventricles is organized in 2 layers
The elements of the fenestrated capillaries are: Endothelial cells, Basal membrane - non-interrupted, Pericytes
Match each numbered term with the most proper lettered one:
Fossa ovalis - 1: E
Chordae tendinae - 2: B, C, D
Mm. Papillares - 2: B, C, D
Ostium of v. cava inferior - 3: A
Ostium of vv pulmonales - 4: B
Conus arteriosus - 1: C
Ostium aortae - 2: D
32. T, F, T, T
33. 1 - A, E; 2 - B, C, D
34. A - 3, B - 4, C - 1, D - 2
35. 1 - A, C, D, E; 2 - A, C, D, 3 - A, B
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. C
19. C
20. C
21. E
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. continuous
26. A. endothelial; B. subendothelial; C. myoelastic; D. subendocardial
27. A. continuous; B. fenestrated; C. discontinuous
28. A. bicuspidal or mitral; B. tricuspidal
29. A. right fibrous ring(anulus fibrosus dexter); B. left fibrous ring (anulus fibrosus sinister); C. right fibrous trigone (trigonumfibrosum dextrum); D. left fibrous trigone (trigonumfibrosum sinistrum)
30. A. left coronary artery; B. right coronary artery
31. T, F, T
Sinus maxillaris opens in meatus nasi inferior
Sinus frontalis does not open in meatus nasi inferior
Sinus ethmoidalis anteriores do not open in meatus nasi inferior
Sinus ethmoidalis posteriors do not open in meatus nasi inferior
Ductus nasolacrimalis does not open in meatus nasi inferior