
Cards (18)

  • privation
    the failure to form an attachment
  • institutionalization
    =orphanage - causes privation
  • Rutter et al, Romanian orphans study - aim 

    to investigate the impact of institutionalization
  • Rutter et al, Romanian orphans study - procedure
    -ongoing longitudinal study
    -comparing Romanian orphans who were adopted by UK families with 52 UK born adoptees (control group)
  • Romanian adoptees 

    entered orphanage as small babies - between 1 and 2 weeks old
    conditions were very poor - evidence of severe malnourishment
    -58 were adopted before 6months old and 59 were adopted after 6months , some after the age of 2 years
  • procedure - follow up
    some of children were followed up at ages 4,6,11 years
    -used a range of measure = interviews, observations of Childs behavior and teacher/peer reports
  • procedure - 3 groups summary
    1-UK born adoptees
    2-Romanian adoptees, before 6 months
    3-romanian adoptees, after 6 months
  • Findings - IQ
    -first arrived they showed severe cognitive deficiency
    Age 4, before 6 months = most caught up with UK born adoptees
    Age 4, after 6months = had on-going deficits
    Age 11 - differences in IQ persisted
    before 6months = mean IQ was 102(average)
    after 6months = mean IQ was 86 (below average)
  • findings - attachment
    -evidence of disinhibited attachment in the Romanian orphans - more likely to go off with strangers and make inappropriate contact with strangers
  • findings -age 6 - disinhibited attachment
    most common in Romanian adoptees after 6 months -26.1% showing strong disinhibited attachment behaviors
    extremely rare in UK adoptees -3.8% showing strong disinhibited attachment behaviors
    rare in Romanian adoptees before 6 months - 8.9% showing strong disinhibited attachment behaviors
    =more likely in children who have experienced longer periods in institutions and who experienced the privation of Romanian orphanages
  • findings - age 11 - disinhibited attachment
    disinhibited behavior pattern persisted
  • Rutter et al - conclusion
    the effects of living in an institution and not forming attachments within Bowlby's critical period could be long-term - particular issue in late adoptees (after 6months)
    but the effects of institutionalization can be reduced with extra effort and with early adoption
  • evaluation - strength
    study used various different research methods - providing both qualitative and quantitative data - providing a rich and detailed picture of the adoptees functioning in all areas of their life in the long term
    -using different research methods helps to overcome the weakness of other methods = triangulation
  • evaluation - weakness
    study was longitudinal - problem of attrition= people tend to drop out of these study as they last many years , may be that certain types of people more likely to drop out - leading to a biased study
    =true effects of privation may never be known as the children with the biggest problems are no longer being studied
  • evaluation - weakness
    another problem with longitudinal study - researcher bias - over the years the researcher gets to know the children and their family - may affect their conclusions so might lack validity
  • evaluation - strength
    positive implications of the research is that today most babies are adopted within their first week of birth , also led to changed in institutions around the world - more emotional care and staff...
  • evaluation - weakness
    its a natural experiment - cant infer cause and effect - means it might not just be institutionalization which causes the effects of disinhibited attachment - especially as some of the children developed normally attachments (even when adopted after 6 months) =must be other factors
  • other factors explaining why some children continued to show the behavior but others didn't
    temperament hypothesis = innate personality characteristics cause attachment types which can explain the individual differences in each group
    -Rutter suggested children who smile more get more attention in the orphanage - therefore these children will have some early attachment experiences and then can have normal attachments as they get older.
    environment = environment in the adoptive home will determine the attachment type shown through childhood