Social Control is the way people in society are controlled (through disciplinary action) in order for them to conform to the norms & values in society, by creating an expectation on how they should act
There are two types of Social Control:
Formal mechanisms of Social Control
Informal mechanisms of Social Control
Formal Mechanisms are the police, courts, the criminal justice system & even the government & the military
Informal Mechanisms are usually through the agents of socialisation such as Peer Groups, Education, Religion & Media
Examples of Formal Mechanisms of Social Control:
Create Laws
Enforce Laws
Control the population
Kettling, Plastic Bullets & Water Canons
Discipline in the workplace/school
Examples of Informal Mechanisms of Social Control:
Socially excluding someone from a peer group
Disappointed reaction from parents "I'm not angry, just disappointed"
Criticisms of celebs in the Media (cancel culture)
Criticisms of any social group in the Media (e.g. Feminists & BLM)