
Cards (8)

  • Corrections​ -
    • is a branch of Criminal Justice System concerned with the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.​
    * is the  pillar with the primary objective of helping convicted offenders to reform and be rehabilitated to prepare him for his eventual release to the community after service of his sentence. ​
  • Institutional Corrections refers to the institutionalized form of rehabilitation, such as prisons and jails. On the other hand, Non-Institutional Corrections, also called community-based corrections, refers to the alternative forms of corrections done outside of the institutions for corrections. ​
  • Penology​
    • derived from the Latin word “POENA” which means pain or suffering.​
    • It is a study of punishment formed from crime or of criminal offenders. 
  • Penology
    • It includes the study of control and prevention of crime through punishment of criminal offender. ​
    • Penology is a division of criminology that deals with prison management, treatment of offenders and concerned with the philosophy and practice of society in its effort to repress criminal activities. ​
  • Punishment (Legal Sense)​
    • individual redress or personal revenge. Therefore, it is defined as the redress of the state against an offending member.​
  • Punishment (General Sense)​
    • It is the infliction of some sort of pain on the offender for violating the law. ​
  • Penalty​
    • the suffering that is inflicted by the state for the transgression of the law. ​