
Cards (102)

  • Globalisation
    The increasing interdependence between countries through flows of capital, trade, goods and services as well as culture and ideas
  • 3 reasons why globalisation has accelerated
    Advances in technology
    Advances in communication
    Advances in transportation
  • 5 global flows
    Social migrants
    Social tourists
    Economic capital
    Environmental commodities
    Cultural and political information
  • How are social migrants a flow that increases globalisation
    Migrants move through a country. This causes the spread of culture which increases interdependence meaning globalisation is increased
  • How are social tourists a flow that increases globalisation
    People go on holidays and use planes to travel. This is good for the economy
  • How are environmental commodities a flow that increases globalisation
    Goods such as jeans are made in one country and sold in another. This generates money for both countries. Meaning more interdependent
  • How does cultural and political information increase globalisation
    Internet has allowed instant contact throughout the world meaning people can share culture easier
  • How economic capital increases globalisation
    Flows of money between people, banks and governments
  • How are connections lengthening
    Products are made in one country and sold in another
  • How are connections faster
    Growth of technology means instant communication across the world
  • How are connections deepening
    Migrants are moving around the world meaning culture is spread
  • Concept of the shrinking world
    Idea that developments in transport and communications reduced the cost and speed of communication which helps increase globalisation
  • Concept of time space compression
    Developments in transportation and communications makes placers closer together I'm terms of time taken to travel between them
  • FDI
    controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one country by a company based in another country
  • Organic FDI
    Foreign investment expands the operators of an existing business in Foreign country
  • Inorganic FDI
    Foreign firms buys a company in another country
  • International monetary fund (IMF)
    Help governments balance their payments Grants loans to countries if they can't pay their debts
  • World trade organisation
    Countries seek reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences makes trade easier
  • The international bank
    Provides loans to help rebuild economies Aims to reduce inequalities and encourage income growth
  • Bretton woods institutions
    The Bretton woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and Japan
  • Global shift
    Relocation of manufacturing and production on a global scale from the west to the east
  • Positives of global shift
    Improved environmental quality in developed country Provides jobs in emerging and developing country This provides gdp which helps develop the country Improve skills in poorer countries
  • Negative of global shift
    Loss of jobs in developed country Deindustrialisation Over reliance on tncs for emerging country Environmental and health issues in emerging country
  • Negatives of globalisation in developed countries
    Deindustrialisation Loss of jobs Loss of income Areas become deprived
  • Income per capita
    A measure in dollars How much each person has Single indicator based off economic factors
  • Economic sector balance
    Countries economy split into 5 economic sectors Primary secondary tertiary quaternary quinery Shows which sectors decrease and increase based off development
  • Human development index
    Rank countries based off literacy rates, life expectancy and gdp per capita Number between 0 and 1 1 best Composite indicator
  • Happy planet index
    Based off life expectancy, life satisfaction, ecological footprint Score of 0-100 Composite
  • Gender inequality index
    Reproductive health, maternal mortality, empowerment Composite
  • Air pollution index
    Shows amount of air pollution between 0-500 higher means worse
  • Lorenz curve
    A Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the distribution of income or wealth within a population
  • Gini coefficient
    It measures inequality on a scale from 0 to 1, where higher values indicate higher inequality
  • Tensions caused by globalisation
    Extremism Censorship Policies to limit migration Trade protectionism Protect cultural identity Water conflict
  • What is extremism
    Beliefs which most people and parties consider unreasonable and unacceptab
  • Trade protectionism
    Policy that protects domestic industries from unfair foreign competing Helps protect culture and stops cultural erosion
  • The role of national policies on globalisation
    Privatisation allowed foreign investors to gain a stake in Privatised national services and infrastructure eg man City owned by Abu Dhabi
  • The role of special economic zones (SEZs) on globalisation 

    SEZs are large of land set aside by government in locations well placed for international trade
  • Promoting free trade blocs
    Trade blocs reduce import/export tariffs which reduces barriers to trade which increases globalisation
  • Protect cultural identity
    Some groups seek to return to their cultural identity Preservation and restoring of historic and significant relics to culture and heritag
  • Switched off location
    Poorly connected and isolated from global networks