The increasing interdependence between countries through flows of capital, trade, goods and services as well as culture and ideas
3 reasons why globalisation has accelerated
Advances in technology
Advances in communication
Advances in transportation
5 global flows
Social migrants
Social tourists
Economic capital
Environmental commodities
Cultural and political information
How are social migrants a flow that increases globalisation
Migrants move through a country. This causes the spread of culture which increases interdependence meaning globalisation is increased
How are social tourists a flow that increases globalisation
People go on holidays and use planes to travel. This is good for the economy
How are environmental commodities a flow that increases globalisation
Goods such as jeans are made in one country and sold in another. This generates money for both countries. Meaning more interdependent
How does cultural and political information increase globalisation
Internet has allowed instant contact throughout the world meaning people can share culture easier
How economic capital increases globalisation
Flows of money between people, banks and governments
How are connections lengthening
Products are made in one country and sold in another
How are connections faster
Growth of technology means instant communication across the world
How are connections deepening
Migrants are moving around the world meaning culture is spread
Concept of the shrinking world
Idea that developments in transport and communications reduced the cost and speed of communication which helps increase globalisation
Concept of time space compression
Developments in transportation and communications makes placers closer together I'm terms of time taken to travel between them
controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one country by a company based in another country
Organic FDI
Foreign investment expands the operators of an existing business in Foreign country
Inorganic FDI
Foreign firms buys a company in another country
International monetary fund (IMF)
Help governments balance their paymentsGrants loans to countries if they can't pay their debts
World trade organisation
Countries seek reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences makes trade easier
The international bank
Provides loans to help rebuild economies Aims to reduce inequalities and encourage income growth
Bretton woods institutions
The Bretton woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and Japan
Global shift
Relocation of manufacturing and production on a global scale from the west to the east
Positives of global shift
Improved environmental quality in developed country Provides jobs in emerging and developing country
This provides gdp which helps develop the country
Improve skills in poorer countries
Negative of global shift
Loss of jobs in developed country Deindustrialisation
Over reliance on tncs for emerging country
Environmental and health issues in emerging country
Negatives of globalisation in developed countries
Deindustrialisation Loss of jobs
Loss of income
Areas become deprived
Income per capita
A measure in dollars How much each person has Single indicator based off economic factors
Economic sector balance
Countries economy split into 5 economic sectors Primary secondary tertiary quaternary quinery
Shows which sectors decrease and increase based off development
Human development index
Rank countries based off literacy rates, life expectancy and gdp per capita Number between 0 and 1 1 best
Composite indicator
Happy planet index
Based off life expectancy, life satisfaction, ecological footprint Score of 0-100