Cards (18)

  • The term Entrepreneur originates from the French word "entreprende" which means "to undertake"(progress)
  • Entrepreneurship is the art of observing correct practices in managing and operating as self-owned wealth-creating business enterprise by providing goods and service that are valuable to the costumers.
  • SMALL BUSINESS - refers to a business or enterprise
    that correctly practices or adopts the principles of entrepreneurship. It is owned by one person with a limited workforce of not more than 20
  • ORDINARY SMALL BUSINESS - pertains to a business enterprise managed and operated by an owner who is not an advocate of and does not practice the concepts and principles of entrepreneurship.
  • ENTREPRENEUR - a person who strongly advocates and correctly practices the concepts & principles of entrepreneurship in
    operating and managing a self-owned business venture.
  • BUSINESSMAN - someone who sets up a business with an existing idea offering products and services to the costumers
  • ENTREPRENEUR - is a person who starts an enterprise with a new idea or concept, undertaking commercial activities.
  • Entrepreneurship Theories:
    Innovation TheoryKeynesian Theory • Alfred Marshall Theory
    • Risk and uncertainty-bearing theory
    • Weber’s sociological theory
    • Kaldor’s technological theory
    • Leibenstein's gap-filling theory
    • Kirzner’s learning-alertness theory
  • THEORY - is a generalization that
    explains a set of facts or phenomena. It is not a absolute truth. It can be supported by another observation or proven to be otherwise.
  • Innovation Theory -by John Schumpeter - considers innovation as the primary factor affecting development.
  • KEYNESIAN THEORY - by John Maynard Keynes - Attributes
    economic growth, especially during depression, to the government
  • ALFRED MARSHALL THEORY - generalizes
    that the organization plays the
    most significant role among the different factors of production.
  • RISK AND UNCERTAINTY-BEARING THEORY - by Frank Hyneman Knight - states that an entrepreneur faces the risk of uncertainty in the process of connecting the supplier and the buyer.
  • WEBER'S SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY by Max Weber - asserts that social culture have significant contributions to entrepreneurship
  • KALDOR'S TECHNOLOGICAL THEORY - by Nicholas Kaldor - gives importance to the advancement of technology
    as an element of production
  • LEIBENSTEIN'S GAP-FILLING THEORY by Henry Leibenstein - advocates that entrepreneurship fills the gap in any economic activity
  • Kirzner's Learning-alertness Theory - by Israel Kirzner - Focuses on learning and alertness as the
    primary attributes of entrepreneurship
  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP - it refers to a particular field of practice or
    process, as compared to an entrepreneur which is a person practicing entrepreneurship