Cards (37)

  • Thales - thought matter is made up of water.
  • Anaximenes - thought that air is a primal matter
  • Heraclitus - thought that fire is the primal matter.
  • Aristotle - matter is composed of four elements - fire, air, water, and earth.
  • Democritus - proposed that matter is made up of very small bits which cannot be subdivided into smaller pieces.
  • Leucippus - teacher of democritus.
  • John Dalton - formulated the modern atomic theory of matter. Atoms can neither be destroyed nor created.
  • Cell - Basic unit of life.
  • Matter - anything that occupies space and has mass, composed of atoms and molecules.
  • Molecule - two or more atoms.
  • Atom - Building block of matter.
  • “Atomos” - Greek word for atoms.
  • Proton - Positive Charged, was discovered by Joseph John Thompson.
  • Electron - Negatively Charged, was discovered by Eugene Goldsten, but later proved by Ernest Rutherford.
  • Neutron - No charge, was discovered by an English physicist James Chadwick.
  • Ionic Solids - form when electrostatic attraction sticks together anions (-) and cations (+)
  • Metallic Solids - positively charged nuclei of metal atoms are held together by valence electrons to form metallic solids.
  • Network Atomic Solids - are huge crystals consisting of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
  • Atomic Solids - form when weak London dispersion forces bind atoms of cold noble gasses.
  • Molecular Solids - are held together by intermolecular forces to form molecular solids.
  • Amorphous Soilds - a type of solid that is characterized by having an irregular bonding pattern.
  • Viscosity - is a measure of how well fluids flow.
  • Solubility - is the ability of one substance to be dissolved in another.
  • Macroscopic - example: pressure, volume, number of particles & temperature.
  • Microscopic - example: Brownian Motion & Intermolecular Forces.
  • Endothermic - heat is absorbed.
  • Exothermic - heat is released.
  • Solid to Liquid = Melting/Fusion
  • Liquid to Gas = Evaporation
  • Liquid to Solid = Freezing/Solidification
  • Gas to Liquid = Condensation
  • Solid to Gas = Sublimation
  • 6 States of matter
    1. Solid
    2. Liquid
    3. Gas
    4. Plasma
    5. Bose Einstein Condensate
    6. Fermionic Condensate
  • Organization of matter
    1. Quartz
    2. Atom
    3. Molecule
    4. Cell
    5. Tissue
    6. Organ
    7. Organ System
    8. Organism
    9. Population
    10. Community
    11. Biosphere/Ecosphere
  • 4 Fundamental Elements
    1. Carbon
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Oxygen
    4. Nitrogen
  • Atoms are composed of:
    1. Proton
    2. Electron
    3. Neutron
    1. Hydrogen - Hydride (H2)
    2. Nitrogen - Nitride (N2)
    3. Oxygen - Oxide (O2)
    4. Fluorine - Fluoride (F2)
    5. Chlorine - Chloride (Cl2)
    6. Bromine - Bromide (Br2)
    7. Iodine - Iodide (I2)
    8. Carbon - Carbide (C2)