Virtue ethics

Cards (7)

  • the virtues of honesty and truthfulness say you shouldn't lie
  • Aristotle believes lies are a distorting of reality for our own benefit
  • Lying can be habitual or used to get us out of trouble
  • Telling the truth or lying is about the disposition of a person: if they habitually tell the truth, they can be trusted
  • Individual virtues work together to form a synergy, telling the truth requires:
    • honesty (to express truth)
    • Courage and temperance (to face the truth)
    • friendliness and high-mindedness (to face our due)
    • just resentment (when others do not give their due)
  • Practical wisdom shows we can't isolate honesty from other virtes
  • In the event of an axe murderer:
    • balance friendship/ loyalty and honesty
    • In this case, lying would be the mean
    • if your character is truthful, you'll be justified to lie this once