Types of long term memory

Cards (18)

  • LTM is the storage of memory over a lengthy period of time
  • Main guy: Tulving
  • LTM store is potentially unlimited
  • Endel Tulving (1985) realised MSM was too simple
  • Proposed the idea that LTM has 3 stores: episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory
  • Long term memory divides into declarative memory (explicit) and non-declarative memory (implicit)
  • Episodic memory is the recollection of time-stamped, personal experiences
  • The strength of the emotion at the time dictates how strong an episodic memory is
  • Episodic memory is autobiographical
  • Semantic memory is the recalling of facts, ideas and concepts (general knowledge)
  • Semantic memory concerns knowledge that is commonly shared- not personal
  • Semantic memory is encoded in the frontal and temporal lobe (brain scan studies prove this)
  • Semantic memory is explicit
  • Procedural memory involves retrieving information to complete a task (movement based)
  • procedural memory does not need to be consciously thought about
  • Procedural memory is the store for skills we may struggle to explain to someone else
    • clinical evidence (patient HM and Clive Wearing)
    • Neuroimaging (Buckner and Peterson 1996 found episodic and semantic memories were recalled from the prefrontal cortex)
    • Real life application (can help people with mild cognitive impairments improve their memory)
    • problems with clinical evidence (cannot measure the change in memory before and after a brain injury as they are unexpected)