Cards (8)

    • Subscription to Anti-Terrorism Covenants ​
    The Republic of the Philippines subscribes to all international conventions and initiatives against terrorism and will participate in all endeavors designed to strengthen international cooperation in order to prevent and neutralize terroristic acts. ​
    • Coordinated and Calculated Response Against Terrorism ​
    The government shall effectively utilize the National Peace and Order Council (NPOC) through the Crisis Management Committees to undertake comprehensive planning and research in order to develop a coordinated and calculated response against terrorism, in accordance with our culture, values and justice system. ​
  • Predict ​- The first and foremost concern of crisis management is to be able to predict livelihood of crises occurring through the continuous gathering/updating of inputs analysis of the threat. The inputs consist basically of Intelligence and Events. 
  • Intelligence ​
    This involves collection, evaluation, processing, updating dissemination of information obtained from all possible sources. Intelligence for this management may be categorized as strategic, tactical and operational. ​
  • The requirements and sources of intelligence are indicated below. ​
    (1) Strategic Intelligence (International Threat Groups) ​
    (a) Requirements - Identity of Groups, leaders and members, known travel, recruitment - Background, organizations, training, financing, logistics: support, weapons - Usual areas of operation, international connections. state support - Usual methods of operation - Likely targets ​
    (b) Sources - Police and military - Diplomatic channels - Friendly intelligence - PressClandestine reporting ​
  • 2) Tactical Intelligence (Local / operating threat groups) ​
    (a) Requirements (Same as Strategic Intelligence) ​
    (b) Sources - Police and military - Intelligence Service - Captured/surrendered members of threat groups - Concerned citizens - Press​
  • (3) Operational Intelligence (Needed for Specific Incident) ​
    (a) Requirements - Number, location, identities and background of threat groups - Number, location, identities and background of hostages - Weapons and explosives in the hands of threat groups - Detailed information on site of the incident and environs * Building design and construction, floor plans, utilities, locks, access points * Aircraft design and construction, communication equipment on board, and access points
  • (3) Operational Intelligence (Needed for Specific Incident) ​
    (b) Sources - Observers at scene - Witnesses at scene when incident began - Building plans - Aircraft design plans and airport layout, designers - Security and maintenance personnel - Airport and airline personnel - Released or escaped hostages - Hostage negotiators - Technical operators - Ship design and layout, naval architecture ​