Subdecks (1)

Cards (134)

  • Stages of Delinquency:
    1. Emergence
    2. Exploration
    3. Explosion
    4. Conflagration
    5. Outburst
  • Emergence - the child begins with petty larceny between 8 and sometimes the 12th year
  • Emergence - the child begins with petty larceny between 8 and sometimes the 12th year
  • Exploration - move on to shoplifting between ages 12 to 14
  • Exploration - move on to shoplifting between ages 12 to 14
  • Explosion - there is a substantial increase in variety of seriousness. This age is 13 above/up
  • Explosion - there is a substantial increase in variety of seriousness. This age is 13 above/up
  • Conflagration - Four or more types of crimes are added. age is around 15 above/up
  • Conflagration - Four or more types of crimes are added. age is around 15 above/up
  • Outburst - those who continue on adulthood will progress into more sophisticated or more violent forms of criminal behavior
  • Classification of Delinquency:
    1. Unsocialized Aggression
    2. Socialize Delinquency
    3. Over-inhibited
  • Unsocialized aggression - Rejected or abandoned, No parents to imitate and become aggressive
  • Social Delinquency - Membership of fraternities or groups that advocate bad things
  • Over-inhibited - Group secretly trained to do illegal activities, like marijuana cultivation
  • Different Approaches Toward Delinquency:
    1. Biogenic Approach
    2. Psychogenic Approach
    3. Sociogenic Approach
  • Biogenic Approach - It views law-breaker as a person whose misconduct is a result of faulty biology.
  • Biogenic Approach = The offender is a hereditary defective, suffers from endocrine imbalance or brain pathology, his body structure and temperament pattern have produced the law breaking
  • Psychogenic Approach - the offender behaves in response to psychological pathology of some kind.
  • Psychogenic Approach - the critical casual factors in delinquency are - personality problems, to which juvenile misbehavior is presume to be a response
  • Sociogenic approach - attributes the variations in delinquency pattern to influence social structures
  • Sociogenic approach - they account for individual offender by reference process, which go in on youth gangs, stigmatizing contacts with social control agencies and other variables of that time
  • Causes of Behavioral Disorders:
    1. Predisposing Factor
    2. Precipitating Factor
  • Predisposing Factor - Inclinations or inherited propensities, which cannot be, considered a criminal one unless there is a probability that a crime will be committed
  • Precipitating Factors - Elements which provokes crimes or factors that are signified to the everyday adjustments of an individual, like personal problems,...
  • Factors affecting Juvenile Delinquency:
    1. individual risk factors
    2. Family
    3. Environment
    4. School
    5. Other agencies of the government
  • Individual Risk factors - Individual psychological or behavioral risk factors that may make offending more likely include intelligence, impulsiveness, or the ability to delay gratification, aggression, empathy, and restlessness
  • Family - First and the basic institution in our society for developing the child's potential in all aspects like emotional, intellectual,...
  • Causes why some of the child becomes juvenile delinquent as influence their by own family:
    1. lack of love and the instinct of hate and anger due to unfair treatment
    2. Parental rejection
    3. broken home
    4. Parental Abuse or neglect
    5. Faulty development of a child
    6. lack of parental guidance
    7. Criminal parents/siblings
  • Home - Cradle of human personality
  • Environment - Where the child influence after his first formative years
  • Causes why some of the child becomes juvenile delinquent as influence their by own ENVIRONMENT:
    1. Association with criminal groups
    2. Alcoholism and drug addiction
    3. Impulse of fear
    4. Crime inducing situation that caused criminalistic tendencies
    5. Imitated intinct like selfishness, violence and anti-social wishes
  • School - a public instrument for training young people
  • 3 types of delinquent gangs by cloward and ohlin:
    1. criminal gang
    2. Conflict/violent gang
    3. Retreatist gang
  • Criminal gang - Emerge in areas where conventional as well as non-conventional values behavior are integrated by a close connection of illegitimate ang legitimate business.
  • Criminal gang - this type of gang is stable than the ones to follow, Older criminals serve as role models and they teach necessary criminal skills to the youngster
  • Conflict/violent gang - Non-stable and non-integrated, where there is an absence of criminal organization resulting in instability. This gang aims to find reputation for toughness ad destructiveness
  • Retreatist Gang - Equally unsuccessfull in legitimate as well as illegitimate means. They are known as double failures, thus retreating into world of sex, drugs, and alcohol
  • Social Disorganization Theory by Clifford Shaw and Henry Mckay
  • Social Disorganization Theory - disorganized areas cannot exert social control over acting-out youth
  • Anomie theory was advocated by Emile Durkheim