the digestive system

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  • Parts of the digestive system include:
    • Oesophagus
    • Stomach
    • Small intestine
    • Large intestine
  • Layers of the GI tract wall:
    • Mucosa: Internal layer with structure varying based on functions
    • Submucosa: Dense layer of connective tissue with large blood vessels
    • Muscularis: Inner oblique layer, middle circular layer, and outer longitudinal layer
    • Serosa: Outer layer consisting of several layers of connective tissue
  • Mechanical digestion involves breaking up food into smaller pieces
    • Process starts from chewing food (mastication) and mixing with saliva
    • Saliva helps to lubricate and contains salivary amylase
    • Mechanical digestion continues in the stomach with smooth muscle contraction and mixes with digestive enzymes and acids
    • Can last for several hours
    • Rhythmic movement (peristalsis) of food along the whole GI tract, controlled by the autonomic nervous system
  • Enzymes are chemical particles that aid in digestion
    • Hydrolysis is the chemical reaction that breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules (proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides)
  • Chemical digestion
  • Absorption process
    • Absorption involves the uptake of nutrients from the digestive system into the bloodstream
    • Products of absorption include various nutrients such as proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides