Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, while alkenes have double bonds between two carbons.
With IR irradiation, the energy absorbed corresponds to the amount needed to increase molecular vibrations
With UV radiation, the energy absorbed corresponds to the amount needed to promote an electron from a lower-energy orbital to a higher energy one in a conjugated molecule
The two lower-energy, bonding MOs are occupied in the ground state, and the two higher-energy, antibonding MOs are unoccupied.
a Diene absorbs energy and a π electron is promoted from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Because the electron is promoted from a bonding π molecular orbital to an antibonding π* molecular orbital, we call this a π → π* excitation (read as “pi to pi star”)
The wavelength necessary to effect the π → π* transition in a conjugated molecule depends on the energy gap between HOMO and LUMO, which in turn depends on the nature of the conjugated system
A conjugated diene or other compound is one that contains alternating double and single bonds. One characteristic of conjugated dienes is that they are more stable than their nonconjugated counterparts
the two bonding orbitals are occupied; the two antibonding orbitals are unoccupied.
The 1,2 adduct is usually formed faster and is said to be the product of kinetic control and is favored under cold conditions
The 1,4 adduct is usually more stable and is said to be the product of thermodynamic control and is favored under hot conditions
The greater the extent of conjugation, the less the energy needed and the longer the wavelength of radiation required.
The IR Value of -OH is 3200-3600
IR Value for -C=O is 1700
IR value for Benzene Ring is 1450-1650
IR Value for -C=O-OH is 1700, 2400-3000
IR Value for -C=O-O-C is 1700, 1000-1300
Odd M+ value means theres an Odd number of Nitrogens (N1, N3,N5)
'3 O" code means:
CH3-C=O , CH3-O, CH3-C=C-X
Symmetry of NMR Rule:
4H--> 2 CH2 , 6H--> 2 CH3 , 9H--> 3CH3
'6 1' Code: IsoproylGroup
'9 O' Code: Tert Butyl Group
A) X (any compound)
H-NMR of 6.5-8.0 is a Benzene ring
H-NMR of 9-10 is -C=O-H
H-NMR of 10-11 is -C=O-OH
Heterotrophic has Zero Chiral Centers
Enantiotropic has One Chiral Center
Disaseotropic has two or more chiral
If Hydrogen are coming off same carbon that is double bonded and One H is CIS and Other is Trans to the same reference point its Disaseotropic
if a molecule is conjugated it will absorb UV light (200-400nm)
longest wavelength is Red
Shortest Wavelength is Violet
when increase conjugation it bring HOMO and LUMO close together
exo product is more stable than endo product
endo product forms faster
s-trans is more stable than s-cis because of less steric hinderance
only s-cis can undergo Diels- Alder Rxn
Luminescence is molecules that are colored go through emission of light when excited
N->π* * contains lone pairs (non bonding electrons) corresponds to the excitation of an electron from one of the unshared pair to the π* orbital.
the smaller the ΔE, the faster the reaction
Even M+ value means theres an Even number of Nitrogens (N0,N2,N4)