Cards (78)

  • the peripheral organ of vision, is situated in a
    skeletal cavity, the orbit?
  • 1 inch in diameter, 8g. in
  • The eyeball is embedded in?
    orbital fat
  • anterior cavity contains?
    aqueous humor
  • posterior cavity is located behind the?
  • posterior cavity contains the?
    vitreous humor
  • layers of eyeball?
    fibrous coat, vascular coat, neural coat
  • under the fibrous coat?
    sclera and cornea
  • under the vascular coat?
    choroid, ciliary body, and iris
  • under the neural coat?
  • this helps to maintain the shape of the eye?
  • sclera provide passageways for nerves of the?
  • this isit is the anterior, projecting transparent part of the external tunic?
  • cornea is the major site of?
    refraction of light entering the eye
  • this is a thin, highly vascular, dark brown tissue which lines almost the posterior five sixths of the eye?
  • the choroid is pierced behind by the?
    optic nerve
  • it is thicker posteriorly?
  • choroid is also attached to the retinal pigmented layer?
  • this is directly continuous with the choroid behind and with the iris in front?
    ciliary body
  • Internally it shows a scalloped periphery where
    it is continuous with the choroid and retina, termed the?
    ora serrata
  • ciliry body is the major source of?
    aqueou fluid
  • is an adjustable diaphragm around a central aperture ?
  • this controls the amount of light entering the eye?
  • determining the hue of the iris, the main factor is the concentration of?
  • the muscles of the iris?
    sphincter pupillae, dilator pupillae
  • this is a flat annulus of smooth muscle about 0.72mm wide and 0.15mm thick?
    sphincter pupillae
  • Its densely packed fusiform myocytes are often arranged in small bundles, as in the?
    ciliary muscle
  • thin stratum lying immediately anterior to the epithelium of the posterior iridial surface?
    dilator pupillae
  • this muscle fibers are in fact the muscular processes of the anterior layer of this epithelium?
    dilator pupillae
  • this is the neural, sensory stratum of the eyeball?
  • retina is thin and being thickest near the?
    optic disc
  • retina contains a variety of cell types include?
    photoreceptors (rod and cone cells)
  • center of the retina is?
    macula lutea
  • and the central depression is, where visual resolution is the highest?

    fovea centralis
  • chiefly responsible for high spatial resolution and colour vision in good lighting conditions (photopic vision)?
    cone cells
  • this is highly concentrated at the fovea centralis, but they populate the whole retina, intermingled with rods?
    cone cells
  • under cone cell there is three types, according to their maximum spectral
    red, green, and blue
  • provide high monochromatic sensitivity to a much wider range of illumination down to much lower intensities (scotopic vision) a?

    Rod cells
  • this are excluded from the fovea?
    rod cells
  • This region, where retinal tissues meet the neural elements of the optic nerve?
    optic disc