CELL WALL, it's composition iscellulose fibrils, it's function isforsupportandprotection
PLASMA MEMBRANE, it's composition is bilayerofphospholipid and embedded proteins. it's function is the passageofmoleculesintoandoutofthecell
RIBOSOMES, it's composition proteins and RNA's in 2 subunits. it's function is protein synthesis
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM, it's composition is membranousflattenedchannels and tubularcanals. it's function is transport system and protein synthesis
GOLGI APPARATUS, it's composition is stack of membranous saccules. it's function is processing and packaging of molecules
VACUOLES AND VESICLES, it's composition is membranous sacs. it's function is storage of substances
PERIXOSOME, it's composition is membranous vesicle containing specific enzymes. it's function is various metabolic tasks
MITOCHONDRION, it's composition is inner membrane within outer membrane. it's function is cellular respiration.
CHLOROPLAST, it's composition is inner membrane within two outer membrane. it's function is photosynthesis.
CYTOSKELETON, it's composition is microtubules and microfilaments. it's function is shape of cell and movement of it's part
NUCLEUS, it's composition is nuclear envelop surrounding the nucleoplasm, chromosomes, and nucleoli. it's function is cellular reproduction and control of photosynthesis