Data Collection procedure can use questionnaires, interview, review of records, and observation
Questionnaire is a series of questions designed to collect information. It is the most common type of instrument used and is typically filled out by participants
Questions can be open-ended or closed-ended
Open-ended questions can elicit more detailedresponses and the responses require moreeffort to encode for data analysis
Closed-ended questions are easy to administer, uniform and pre-coded, and can be encoded and analysed in a short time
Interview is a verbal communication between the researcher and the participant, during which information is collected
An Unstructured interview is more conversational and it allows flexibility in questioning
A structured interview operates within a formal interview schedule and orderofquestions are designed prior to the interview
Sampling in interview includes random sampling and non-representative sampling
In non-representative sampling, there's Key Informant interview where the interviewer conduct a one-on-one interview, and Focus Group Discussion where a small group of people is interviewed at the same time to informally discuss specific topics under the guidance of a moderator
Review of Records is the collection of data from existing records using an abstractionform. Few example sources are hospital or facility records, computer data bases, government reports, census data, and more
Observation is where behaviors are observed and measured using observation checklists or rating scales
Observation requires us to develop standard protocol for data collection, blinding, train observers, and calibrate equipment
The advantages of questionnaires are that it can assess a large group quickly and it's easy to analyze if constructed correctly. Its disadvantages on the other hand, requires "good" language, socialdesirabilitybias, and not very good in getting in-depth information
The advantage of an interview is that you can know what people think, believe, or perceive. However, it can recall bias and a social desirability bias
The advantages of records are its relatively inexpensive and faster than colleting the original data again. However, coding errors (missing or incomplete data) may occur, data may not be exactly what is needed, there's difficulty in getting access, and it needs to verify the validity and reliability of data
The advantages of observation is that it's also relatively inexpensive and it collects data on actual vs self-reportedbehavior or perceptions. However, hawthorne effect and observer bias can occur. and can be labor intensive
Data Processing is a systematic procedure to ensure that the information/data gathered are complete, consistent and suitable for dataanalysis
Blinding or masking is when the participant/s does not know that they are under observation
Hawthorne Effect is an alteration or awareness of the patient if they find out their behavior is underobservation
Data coding is transforming collected information or observation into numbers which can be more easily encoded, counted, and tabulated
The purpose of data coding is that it allows rapid storage of data, minimizes errors in encoding data, sometimes necessary so that the statistical software can perform various analyses on the data
Number of codes must be kept to minimum, preferably less than 8
Data Coding should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive
In data coding, one should adopt coding convention for questions with similar answers
A coding manual consists of indicating variable name, variable description, and codes instruction
Data Encoding is entering data in a spreadsheet. It uses computerprograms for encoding
Data Editing is the inspection and correction of any errors or inconsistencies in the information collected
The purpose of Data Editing is to make changes or corrections as early as possible, to ensure completeness, consistency, and legibility of data entries, and to prepare the data for analysis
Data Analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical or statistical tools to discover useful information
In Data Analysis, one should consider the objective of the analysis, level of measurement of the variable, and study design
Relationship Test is a test for the significance of the relationship of variables (e.g. Pearson'sCorrelationCoefficient)
Difference Test is the test for the significant differences in the group that is being compared to
Parametric Test is making assumptions about the parameters of the population distributions from which the data are drawn
Non-parametric Test is making NO ASSUMPTIONS about the parameters of the population distributions from which the data are drawn
Study Design dictates the number of groups to be compared and dictates whether the samples are independent or related
The purpose of data presentation is to display data clearly and effectively, summarize large quantities of data to the reader, and facilitate analysis of trends, comparisons, or relationships between variables
Tabular Presentation is a compact way of presenting data in columns and rows
The parts of a Table includes the Table Number, Title, Box Head (column heading), Stubs (row heading), Body, Footnotes, and Source of Data
Table Number refers to the relative position of the table, placed on the same line as the title but separated by period, and uses Arabic numerals