Cards (17)

  • ferdinand de saussure(1857-1913): A swiss linguist. linguistic form is arbitrary. all languages functuon in a similar fashion
  • Sociology:
    Auguste Comte (1798 - 1857)
    • French sociologist
    • Coined the term “sociology”
    • Advocated the application of scientific method to
    social life and positivism.
    • Wrote “Cours de Philosophie Positive” published from
    1830 – 1842 in five volumes.
  • Psychology:
    Wilhelm Wundt (1832 - 1920)
    • German Psychologist
    • Opened the Institute for Experimental
    Psychology at the University of Leipzig in
    Germany in 1879
    • Wrote “Principles of Physiological Psychology.”
  • Political Science:
    Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C)
    • Political scientist
    • Laid down the foundation of governance and
    • He said “man by nature is a political animal”.
    • He wrote “The Politics”
  • Geography:
    Eratosthenes (276 B.C - 194 B.C)
    • Greek geographer
    • Became chief librarian at the Library of
    • Prepared the earliest maps of the known world
  • History:
    Herodotus (484 B.C - 425 B.C)
    • Greek Historian
    • Collected historical materials systematically and
    critically arranged them into a historical narrative.
    • Wrote “Histories” which is the record of ancient
    traditions and culture of Greece, Asia and Africa.
  • Economics:
    Adam Smith (1723 - 1790)
    • Founder of Classical School
    • Constructed an explanation on how social
    behavior is regulated
    • Wrote “Wealth of the Nations” in 1776
  • Anthropology:
    Edward Burnett Taylor (1832 - 1917)
    • English cultural anthropologist
    • Coined the term “culture”
    • Wrote “Researches into the Early History of
    Mankind and the Development of Civilization"
  • History:
    Herodotus (484 B.C - 425 B.C)
    • Greek Historian
    • Collected historical materials systematically and
    critically arranged them into a historical narrative.
    • Wrote “Histories” which is the record of ancient
    traditions and culture of Greece, Asia and Africa.
  • Sociology:
    • The intellectual, scientific and industrial revolutions which happened in Europe in the middle of the 19th century led to the development
    of Sociology.
    • Revolutions in Europe brought rapid and radical changes.
  • Psychology:
    • Ancient Greek Philosophy such as epistemology, metaphysics, religion and oriental philosophy.
    • Overthecenturies,psychologyandphysiology became increasingly separated.
  • Anthropology:
    • Traces its roots from natural history which is the study of plants, animals and humans with reference to their history and native environment.
    • The discovery and contact to new civilizations by European explorers and colonizer.
  • History:
    • Medieval and Renaissance periods, History was often studied through a sacred or religious perspective.
    • In the 20th century, academic historians focused lesson epic nationalistic narratives.
    • Digital history has begun to address ways of using computer technology to pose new questions to historical data.
  • Economics:
    •Greeks examined wealth
    accumulation and inquiries on whether property should be in the hands of private or public institutions.
    • In medieval times, scholars argued that it was a moral obligations of business to sell goods at a just price.
  • Geography:
    •People satisfies their natural curiosity about foreign places and different ways of life.
    • Ancient Greeks made the first contribution to the subject through measuring the earth using grids of meridians.
  • Linguistic:
    • It was the old Babylon who first created linguistics texts called Sumerian.
    • HindusalsocreatedtextcalledVedas.
    • The formal study of language began in India.
  • Political Science:
    • Began way back to the time of the Ancient Greeks. • HindusalsocreatedtextcalledVedas.
    • The chieftain who headed a village was chosen
    from the ranks of leaders with the power to make laws, judge and execute laws.