Organisms that die produce waste products. What organisms break down the dead material ?
Decomposers are certain types of bacteria or fungi
What do Decomposers need to break down waste?
Oxygen , moisture , a suitable temperature, and a suitable pH
How do decomposers break down dead waste?
They secrete enzymes , which partly digest the waste - They then take up the small , soluble , food molecules
In a compost heap gardeners try and provide optimum conditions for decay - They put dead plant material (e.g. grass) onto the compost heap - over time bacteria and fungi decompose the dead plant material and produce compost - The compost produced is used as a natural fertiliser for growing plants - this is because compost is very rich in the minerals plants need to grow
What is produced if waste is broken down in anaerobic conditions?
Methane gas
Biogas generators can be used to produce biogas from waste , for use as a fuel
Gardeners often encourage decay in compost heaps. Why do the food industry not encourage this ?
They want to slow down the decay of food - Food preservation involves removing one of the factors needed for decay
Why does decomposition take place faster at warmer temperatures?
Decomposers use enzymes to break down the plant materials , and enzymes work faster in warm conditions
Why do decomposers work faster in moist compost?
Many of the chemical reactions in decay require water - This is why gardeners do not let compost heaps dry out
Why do decomposers need a good supply of oxygen?
Decomposers carry out aerobic respiration - this requires a good supply of oxygen - This is why many compost bins have holes in the middle , to allow oxygen to enter
Why do gardeners use a gardening fork to mix their compost regularly?
It allows more oxygen to pass into the centre of the compost . It also breaks up large clumps of compost and increases the surface area for decomposers to act on
Biogas generators use plant materials (food waste or animal manure) to provide fuel for homes