Human Causes of Climate Change

Cards (12)

  • Burning fossil fuels (coal/oil/gas) releases CO2 into the atmosphere, trapping heat. Coal powers factories and heats homes.
  • Deforestation (amazon) has resulted in less C02 being absorbed and the burning of trees release more CO2
  • Peatland reclemation during the construction of wind farms in Scotland releases CO2 when it's dug.
  • Methane is released from landfills when waste decomposes
  • Methane is 20x more effective at trapping heat than CO2
  • Methane from landfills counts towards 12% of the worlds total methane emissions
  • Increase in padi fields to feed large populations releases methane as rice grows
  • Increased demand for beef creates a greater need for cattle which release methane gas during digestion
  • Increased car ownership means more petrol/diesel is used for fuel. Cars release nitrous oxide.
  • Nitrous oxide is 200-300 times more effective at trapping heat than C02
  • Rising food demand requires increased use of fertilisers which releases nitrous oxide onto crops
  • Fridges which are not disposed of correctly releases CFC's when insulation is shredded, destroying the ozone