Son - showed what god is like and saved us from sin.
Holy sprit - presence of God in people’s lives
Shown the trinityat the BaptismofJesus
Beliefs in oneGod is called monotheism
Christians believe there is only 1 god.
1.1 The Trinity
God The father
lords prayer (protection
Turn to him when in need
Trinity reflected in worship
sign of the cross - ‘Inthenameofthefather…’
Eucharist prayer ( holy communion) - receiving the bread and wine
At baptism
1.2 Biblical understanding of the Trinity
The Baptism of Jesus:
John baptised people in the river Jordan
HolySpirit (a dove) arrived
God said 'Thisismyson,thebeloved, withwhomIamwellpleased'
Historical development of the trinity
The First Council of Nicea:
Bishops met, statement of Catholic beliefs produced
Wrote the Nicene Creed
Homoiousios - Godwashigherthantheson (Arius disagreed with this, Athanasius believed this)
Homoousios - GodandJesuswerethesame
The Council of Constantinople:
Agreed that the Holy Spirit was also Homoousios
Nicene Creed: statementofCatholicbeliefs
SOWA - 'I believeinoneGod'
1.3 Creation
Genesis 1: 7 days of Creation
Genesis 2: Creation of Adam and Eve
Genesis 3: The first sin (original sin)
Interpretation of creation
Literal - exact re-telling of what happened
Metaphorical - not true, teaching a lesson on what nappened.
Characteristics of God
• Creator
• Benevolent ( all loving )
Omnipotent (all PowerFull)
1.4 creation and Humanity
Imago Del: Humans were made in the image of God.
5 ways we bear theimageofGod.
free will and conscience
relate to God
Give and recieve love
answerable to God.
Dominion: authority to rule - (because humans were made last)
Stewardship: humans should take care of Creation
1.5 The Incarnation
'en-flesment: God the son taking numan form in Jesus christ.
Jesus was fully man and Faly bod
Incarnation in the bible.
babtism of God
Angel Gabriel visited Mary when she was Pregnant with Jesus.
why important ?
God cared for the word so much mne he sent his only son to teach them now to live.
Jesus tells humans what God is like.
help humans get to heaven.
1.6 The Paschal Mystery
Ascension of Jesus
Salvation: the forgiveness of sins through Jesus sacrafice'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations?
Some Protestants believe that the soul and body remain in the grave until the last Day when the Dead will be raised and the living and the Dead will be given resurrection bodies
Some non-Catholic Christians do not believe in hell or purgatory because they are not mentioned in the Bible
Heaven is described as a place where people have eternal life with God in complete peace and tranquillity, a place of love and perfection where everything that is not love passes away
Hell is described as a place of isolation and separation from God, not as a punishment from God but something that people make for themselves by depriving themselves of life, love, generosity, fun, and community
Mortal sin is a sin that completely separates the soul from God, and it must be confessed to be forgiven. If a person dies with this sin unforgiven, they will go to hell
Sin is an action that falls short of what God wants for humans, creating a separation between the human and God
Purgatory is a place of purification for those who die in a state of unforgiven venial sins, preparing the soul for Heaven
Venial sins are sins that fall short of what God expects, can be forgiven by God, and purified in purgatory