Pulmonary circulation: vena cava to the right atrium through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle through pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary artery to the lungs
Systemic circulation: pulmonary vein to the left atrium through the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle through the aortic semilunar valve to the aorta to the body tissues
Systole: heart working
Diastole: heart relaxing
Atrial systole: blood pumped into ventricles
Ventricular systole: blood pumped into pulmonary artery and aorta
Atrial diastole: blood entering the atria via the vena cava and pulmonary vein
Ventricular diastole: blood entering the ventricles from the atria
The conduction system: specialised bundles of tissue that transmit the electrical impulse through the heart causing a coordinated contraction
SA node is located in the wall of the right atrium. It sends impulses across both atria causing atrial systole
AV node is in the middle wall of the heart between the atria and ventricles. Revives impulses from the SA node, delays it for a moment to allow for atrial systole to finish and sends it down the bundles of HIS
Bundles of HIS is located in the middle wall of the heart. It transmits impulses to the bottom of the right and left side of the heart.
Purkinje fibres are located in the walls of ventricles. It causes impulses to penetrate into ventricle walls causing ventricular systole.
Cardiac cycle: the contracting of the cardiac muscle and the movement of blood through the chambers.
Diastole takes 0.5 seconds for chambers to fill with blood.
Systole takes 0.3 seconds for blood to be forced out
no electrical impulse
mad the atria and ventricles relax they expand drawing blood into the atria
the pressure in the atria increases opening AV valves
blood passively enters the ventricles
SL valves are closed to prevent blood from leaving the heart
Atrial systole:
the atria contract, forcing remaining blood into the ventricles
Ventricular systole:
the ventricles contract increases the pressure closing the AV valves to prevent back flow into the atria
SL valves are forced open as blood is ejected from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary artery
no electrical impulse
impulse from SA node to AV node
AV node to bundle of HIS to purkinje fibres
diastole - blood enters the atria from the vena cava and the pulmonary vein. Atria + ventricles relax
Atrial systole - both atria contract. Blood is forced from the atria to the ventricles
Blood is forced from the ventricles to the aorta and pulmonary artery
Cardiac output increases linearly with exercise intensity.
Cardiac output plateaus as exercise intensity continues to rise towards maximal intensity
Cardiac output increases at sub maximal exercise intensity because:
HR and SV are increasing
Q = HR x SV
Cardiac output plateaus towards maximal exercise intensity because:
HR continues to increase
SV decreases because of cardiovascular drift
so Q remains constant at its maximum value
During recovery:
Q reduces to its pre exercise value gradually
HR decreases quickly but SV remains elevated
a cool down helps to maintain Q
Stroke volume increases linearly with exercise intensity
Stroke volume plateaus as exercise intensity continues to rise
At max intensity stroke volume decreases
Max stroke volume is reached at sub maximal exercise intensity
SV increases at submaximal exercise intensity because:
increased venous return and Starlings law of the heart
Stroke volume plateaus at sub maximal exercise intensity and decreases at maximal exercise intensity because:
HR increases as exercise intensity increases
there is not enough time during ventricular diastole for ventricles to fill completely
less blood in ventricles at end of diastole = decreased EDV
less blood ejected from ventricles per beat
decreased SV
when SV decreases due to high HR it is called cardiovascular drift
Starling‘s law of the heart:
SV depends on VR - the volume of blood returning
during exercise VR increases
causes walls of the heart to stretch: atrial + ventricular
which causes more stimulation of SA node (increased HR) and more forceful contractions of ventricular walls (increased SV)