body temp control and other stuff i forgor

Cards (17)

  • body temperature must be kept constant
  • the body must keep energy gained and lost in a constant balance (through respiration)
  • the thermoregulatory centre in your brain contains receptors sensitive to blood temperature flowing through the brain
  • where is the thermoregulatory centre?
    the brain
  • What does the thermoregulatory centre measure?
    Body temperature and blood temperature
  • temperature receptors in the skin give information about skin temperature to the thermoregulatory centre
  • What does it mean when effectors work antagonistically?
    work at the same time to achieve a very precise result
  • What happens to hair erector muscles when too hot?
    They relax
  • What happens to hair erector muscles when too cold?
    they contract and hairs erect
  • How does sweat cool you down?
    Evaporates from skin and transfers energy to environment
  • What happens to blood vessels supplying the skin when too hot and why?
    Dilation so blood flows closer to surface and helps transfer energy to environment
  • What is blood vessels dilating for more blood flow to skin called?
  • How do standing hairs heat you up?
    trap an insulating layer of air
  • What happens to blood vessels when too cold?
    constrict and close off
  • What's it called when blood vessels constrict and close off?
  • Why do we shiver
    respiration for your muscles contracting transfers energy into the body
  • What centre controls how temperature is maintained?
    Thermoregulatory centre