homeostasis practicals

Cards (11)

  • What's the required practical for homeostasis called?
    Reaction time
  • What's a controlled variable?
    Something you keep the same every time
  • What's an independent variable?
    The one you change
  • What's a dependent variable?
    The one you measure
  • What's the independent variable in reaction time practical?
    Type of stimulant or depressant
    Distraction (e.g music)
  • Give a stimulant and a depressant example
  • Give 3 controlled variables examples
    Same person catching the ruler
    Using the same hand to catch the ruler
    Start at the same height on ruler each time
  • Name a way to increase accuracy for reaction time practical
    Use a computer to take reaction time measurements
  • Name a way to increase precision for this practical
    Take measurements in milliseconds
  • Name a way to increase reliability for reaction time practical
    repeat 3x and calculate mean
  • Drop ruler between finger and thumb without warning
    Measure distance fallen before caught
    Repeat 3x and calculate mean
    Introduce stimulant and wait 10 minutes
    Repeat steps