cognitive approach to shopping

Cards (7)

  • initiation
    -relief from boredom
    -common with online shopping
    -those with psychological problems and a lack of self esteem can use shopping to self medicate.
  • maintenance
    -reduction of anxiety associated with spending
    -they experience anxiety when they consider the true consequence of their addiction
    -the anxiety can be relieved by behaviours that disguise the shopper's reality e.g hiding bank statements
    -many addicted shoppers continue to reduce boredom and instead experience the buzz of shopping
  • relapse
    -an addicted shopper may return to their addictive behaviours as withdrawal symptoms can cause a lack of excitement
    -the person may experience increased anxiety of getting into increasing debt so they return to shopping to reduce the anxieties they have.
  • eval
    + research to support the role of early trauma in a shopping addiction - found that children who experienced family dysfunction in their childhood were more likely to be an addicted shopper
  • eval
    + evidence to link compulsive shopping with mental disorders - BLACK found that between 41-80% of compulsive shoppers have an anxiety disorder - suggesting that the self medication model is right in claiming that addictions can arise because of mental disorders.
  • eval
    -the self medication model ignores the role of non-cognitive factors.
  • eval
    -the nature of the links between compulsive shopping and other factors are unclear. - the research needs to establish a cause and effect relationship instead of predicting that it causes a shopping addiction