quotes about the boat trip
'do we get out? no lets not get out. dont move, dont move' - ruth - repetition'
'I was going to... then I got a bit of bleeding and couldn't go anymore' - Tommy - suggest the physical mainpalto of cloys prohibiting them from freedom somewhat
' I wasn't rwallt thinking about rite. ,my heart ahad done a little leap, because in a single stoke, with that little laugh of agreement, if felt as though Tommy and I had come close together again after all the years'
'while I soot there trying to depciher the person handwriting I was suddenly conscious of ruth and Tommy standing behind me, not talking, waiting almost like chilsdten to be told which way to go' Kathy - suggests inoovnce of clones while also establishes therir lack of caring experiences causing them to be dumb somewhat.
'we entered the woofs, and though it was Perry easy walking, I noticed ruths treating coming less and less easily. Tommy, by content ,didn't seem to be experience any fdiculti. thoughtcrimes there was a hint of lip in his gait' - Kathy - shows physical pain of the clones and the effects of control
'when ruth saw (barbed wire0 she came to an abrupt halt... you didn't she we had to get past barbed wire!' - Kathy/ruth - ruth bout fo her comfort zone - suggests rusts fear of q confined world
';Tommy seems to nice for the first time just how frail she was' - Kathy
'with use there to support, she seems to lose her fear of the fence ' - kahrty - shows imorotancxe of keepognj toghtehe to remove fear
'ghostly dead trunks poking out to eh soil, most of them broke off only a few fee too, and beyond the death trunks,derad drunks... was the boat, sitting beached in the marches under the weak sun' - Kathy - Gothic imagery reflects the impending doom of the clones
'its beautiful ' - ruth - cotnrating with Kathy's negative imagery , while also showing the clone innocence of believing such a thing to be fond odf.
'we gezzed at th beach boat. I could now see how its paint was cracking, and how the tiumnber frames on the little cabin were crumbling away. it had once been panned a sly blue, but now almost lolled whit Rudner the sky - imagery from kathy - suggest the crumbling innocence and childhood wonder of the clone - time is running out.
'' I always see hailsma being like this now. no logic to it. in fact, this is pretty close to the pcoitue in my head. except theres no boat, of course'- Kathy - shows her imagination fo imaging hiaksham as a dying light of her life
ruths dream of hailsham 'rubbish floating by under my window, empty drinks, cartons, everything. but there wasn't nay sense of panic or anything like that. it was nice and tranqwuo, just like it is here. I knew I wasn tin any danger, that it was only like this because It had closed down - ruth /accepting of her fate
'Christ completed during her second donation' - Tommy
'I think it happens much more than they ever tell us' - ruth
suggests ahislahm keeps tragedy of donations a scet to coerce them
rodney was not 'too bad about' Chrissie death. 'He thought Chrissie woilkdnt have minded too much' - Tommy. reflects accpetantance and fatalism of the clones to be complete with death - suggests pwer of control
'why would he know!... how could he possibly know what Chrissie would have felt!' - ruth angry at tom - perhaps indicative of her own realisation of her selfishness by presuming she knew who and what Kathy was
'it cant be good' Tommy said. 'completing at the second donation. csnt be good' - shows he still has something to live for.
' I want much of a good cabrers... I'm a pretty good donator, but I was a loudy carer' - Tommy ./ idnasicting his fatalism - taking pride in his donations lol
'its ewhat were supposed to be doping, isn't it' - ruth complicit in her donation city
'Ruths voice was hardly audible,,, 'it just something I once dreamed about' ruth - imagery of her voice being iunauable.- being squashed by
after Kathy brings up madame with ruth, she 'saw something like a triump flash across her face. you see it in films sometimes, when ones person pointg a gun at another person , and the ones with the guns making the other one do all kings of things... promises all kind of vengeance' - anaglidy reflects Ruth's realisation of the past
'I kept you and Tommy apart' her voice had dropped again, almost to a whisper. 'that twas the wort thing I did'- ruth kenos the mistakes '- whisper' shows pain and fear when honeying this
'you've got to try and get a deferall.,.. a real chance' - rites desperation to make amends
'ruth. Its okay. im going to become Tommys carer .... t think she did understand' - ruth receive closures for her life.