geo exam 1

Cards (34)

  • A mineral is an inorganic solid substance composed of one or more elements and a specific crystal structure
  • orthoclase is made of potassium
  • plagioclase is made of sodium and calcium
  • hornblende is made of iron and magnesium
  • pyroxene is made of iron and magnesium
  • quartz is SiO2
  • Calcite is CaCO3
  • according to bowens reaction:
    • quartz, muscovite, and feldspar, crystallize last
    • olivine and pyroxene crystallize first
  • a rock is made up of minerals and is a solid aggregate
  • larger crystals cool slowly and take more time. small crystals cool quick and need less time
  • granite: greater than 10% quartz, orthoclase rich with few dark minerals
  • basalt: less than 10% quartz, plagioclase rich with 50-90% dark minerals
  • peridotite is dark colored
  • igneous rock is the densest, basalt and gabbro are more dense with less quartz (oceanic)
    • gravel is >2 mm with highest flow of velocity
    • sand is middle velocity
    • mud has lowest flow of velocity with smallest particles
  • Sedimentation occurs when loose particles are cemented together or chemically precipitated from water, they accumulate in depositional environments
    • limestone: >50% calcite, shell fragments precipitated together
    • chert: glass and shells of plankton
    • coal: oxygen poor swamps
    • halite/gypsum: arid, hydrologically restricted basin
    • sandstone: deserts, riverbeds, or coastal areas
    • chert: cold, deep ocean or lake
    • mudstone: tidal flats, deep lakes, calm water
    • limestone: calm water
  • fossiliferous limestone: shell fragments cemented together
  • stromatolites: mound shaped formed from cyanobacteria
  • the asthenosphere is part of the mantle
    • divergent plates are basaltic
    • oceanic-continental convergent are granitic/andesetic
    • Rifts have extensional stress
    • convergent plates are compressional stress
    • mid ocean ridges (divergent) are normal faults
    • convergent boundaries are reverse faults or folds
    • transform are strike slip
    • continental crust: granite, diorite
    • oceanic crust: basalt, gabbro
    • mantle: silicates
  • the lithosphere is where the tectonic plates are
  • mesosphere is the lower mantle
  • asthenosphere is a low velocity zone that allows for movement of plates
  • lithosphere is the crust and upper most mantle (tectonic plates), tectonic plates sit on top of asthenosphere
  • large scale circulation is driven by thermal convection
  • plate tectonics is large scale motion of earths segmented lithosphere
    • divergent: separate through extensional stress, rifts break up continents (mid ocean ridge)
    • convergent: subduction of one plate under another (mountains)
    • transform: strike slip motion (san andres fault)
  • hot rock rises, cold rock sinks, moving towards thermal homogeneity
  • gravity sliding, slab pull, and slab suction are mechanisms that drive thermal plates