Chemical energy is the energy stored in the bonds of molecules.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.
Explanation of why a light bulb wastes some electrical energy
Five main ways in which energy is transferred:
Heat (thermal)
Movement (kinetic)
Reason for using kilojoules to measure energy in food
Chemical energy is stored in chemical form such as batteries, fossil fuels or food
Elastic potential energy is stored in a stretched elastic material and when released, it is usually transferred to kinetic energy (movement)
Example of elastic potential energy transfer to kinetic energy
Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is stored in something lifted up against gravity and when it falls, GPE is transferred to kinetic energy (movement)
Example of gravitational potential energy transfer to kinetic energy
Table of pros and cons for using non-renewable and renewable fuels to generate electricity
Energy can be transferred from one place to another but cannot be created or destroyed.
Time when both physical and emotional changes occur in humans
When the placenta is pushed out through the vagina
Bag containing amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid
Liquid surrounding the growing embryo and protecting it
Substances produced by white blood cells that help to fight microbes which might cause diseases
Small hairs on the surface of some cells
The uterus starts to push out the baby during labour
Carries food, oxygen and waste between the placenta and the growing fetus
egg cell
The female sex cell in plants
Semen is pumped out of a man's penis into the top of the vagina during sexual intercourse
Tiny plant, found inside a seed, with a very small shoot and a very small root
When the penis becomes stiff
external fertilisation
When fertilisation happens outside the bodies of the parents
Joining of a male sex cell with a female sex cell
fertilised egg cell
What is produced when a male sex cell fuses with an egg cell
After an embryo has grown all its organs it is called a fetus. This is usually at about 10 weeks
When two sex cells join together to form a fertilised egg cell they are said to fuse
gestation period
The length of time from fertilisation to birth
The glands in the male reproductive system add a special liquid to the sperm cells to make semen. There are other sorts of glands in the body
When an embryo sinks into the soft lining of the uterus
internal fertilisation
When fertilisation happens inside the bodies of the parents
Time when the baby is about to be born
mammary glands
Glands contained in the breasts of women which produce milk after childbirth
When the ovaries in women stop releasing eggs
menstrual cycle
Series of events lasting about a month, happening in the female reproductive system. The cycle causes ovulation and the lining of the uterus is replaced
When the lining of the uterus and a little blood pass out of the vagina as part of the menstrual cycle
Scar left by the cord. Often called the 'belly-button'