Cards (6)

  • Metabolic Acidosis:
    • Dx: DKA, shock, renal failure, diarrhea, starvation, kidney disease, ketoacidosis
    • S/S: weakness, fatigue, headache, dysrhythmias, Kussmaul's respirations, SOB
    • Tx: Bicarbonate, fluids; DKA: IV insulin, normal saline, K+ & D50
  • Metabolic Alkalosis:
    • Dx: vomiting, hypokalemia, suctioning, TPN food, Tums
    • S/S: dizziness, decreased respirations, numbness in toes and fingers
    • Tx: Fluid and electrolyte repletion, decrease N/V
  • Respiratory acidosis:
    • Dx: Respiratory failure, COPD, hypoventilation, PNA, sedatives, coma, thoracic injury
    • S/S: anxiety, confusion, headache, restless, blurry vision
    • Tx: Bronchodilators, antibiotics, fluids, ventilation
  • Respiratory alkalosis:
    • Dx: Hyperventilation, increased altitude, PNA, anxiety attack, PTX, blood transfusion, Fever, pain, and some CNS disorders can increase resprirations
    • S/S: dizziness, dry mouth, numbness/tingling in fingers and toes
    • Tx: reventilate (paper bag), oxygen, antianxiety/sedative meds
  • ROME
    • R= Respiratory
    • O= Opposite
    • M= Metabolic
    • E= Equal
  • Compensation:
    • Fully compensated when the pH is normal
    • Uncompensated when pH is abnormal