what one sees, hears, smells, taste, touches - sense data
modern philosophies
rene descartes
john locke
david hume
immanuel kant
contemporary philosophies↓
sigmund freud
gilbert ryle
maurice merleau-ponty
paul & patricia churchland
eliminates pw mental concepts are mistaken and do not adequately allow people to know what is going on with themselves. most effective way to understand the self - eliminative materialism
sociological era
emile durkheim
charles horton cooley
george herbert mead
brain processes
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
computed tomography (CT) scans
sociological paradigm
structural functionalism
conflict theory
symbolic interactionalism
how individual is connected with the society w/ society bcs of shared culture - social integration
social ties binds a group of people together - social solidarity
have freedom to act an live according to our judgement - moral individualism
we are labeled and other's views and expectation of us are affected by that - labeling bias
we adopt the said label into ourself concept - self-labeling
prejudice from others/ negative labeled directed by the individual to themselves - internalized prejudice
use negative labels to be more positive - positive reclaiming
stages where self emerges
preparatory stage
play stage
game stage
no discrimination, there is an integral relation of the self with other people; treat people on your own way - kapwa
religious communities - kapatiran
don't feel no connection with - ibang tao
friend group doesn't involve here but you have connection with them - hindi ibang tao
blood ties - mag-anak
socrates - to know is to know that you don't know nothing; examined life
plato - you are unique; 3 main source of human behavior; 3 elements of psyche
st. augustine - perfect psyche; connect to higher being
rene descartes- methodic doubt; rationalism; i think therefore i am
john locke - tabula rasa; empiricism; mind as blank slate
David hume - there is no self
immanuel kant - rationalism. empiricism, decision = consequences