Megakaryopoiesis involves the maturation and structure of megakaryocytes
Megakaryoblast originates from the Hematopoietic Stem Cell and is stimulated by Thrombopoietin for differentiation
Promegakaryocyte is somewhat immature but capable of protein synthesis and has a developed network of membrane within the cytoplasm
Megakaryocyte is a stage following promegakaryocyte, with multiple nuclei and abundant cytoplasm containing small granules
Metamegakaryocyte is the 4th stage of maturation, very large with decreased nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, and can shed 1000 to 4000 platelets
Platelet production is stimulated by Thrombopoietin, Interleukin-3, and Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating Factor (GM-CSF)
Thrombopoietin is produced by the liver and stimulates megakaryocytes for platelet production
Identification of maturation stage can be challenging due to the large size and ploidy of megakaryocytes and metamegakaryocytes
Platelet functions include adhesion to injured vessels, aggregation at the site of injury, promoting coagulation, releasing biochemicals important in hemostasis, and contracting the platelet-fibrin clot
Platelets play a central role in the response to vessel injury and are the smallest microscopically visible element in the peripheral blood film
Platelets have a discoid shape, appear light violet with granular specs, and are small fragments of megakaryocyte cytoplasm
Retraction process involves stabilizing platelets and platelet-fibrin attachment to participate in vascular response to injury and debulking the clot to reestablish blood flow
Platelets under the microscope appear as dense blue to purple particles with granules that stain with graded intensity during Romanowsky stain preparation
Peripheral zone consists of the outer membrane. Submembrane area links the membrane and inner cell body
Sol-gel zone (cytoskeleton) underlies the submembrane filaments and constitutes the matrix or muscle & skeletal portion of the platelet
Intraplatelet matrix supports the platelet discoid shape
Serves as a stable gel component to regulate the arrangement of internal organelles and microtubular system in platelets
Contains actin and myosin, which interact to formActomyosin (thrombosthenin) important for clot retraction
Organelle Zone (OZ) constitutes the major portion of the platelet cytoplasm
Includes electron dense granules, alpha granules, peroxisomes, lysosomes, and mitochondria
3 types of granules in OZ:
Dense/Delta granules contain ADP, ATP, serotonin, calcium, and magnesium
Alpha/L granules contain clotting factors, Von Willebrand factor, Platelet factor 4, B-thromboglobulin, Thrombospondin, and Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Platelet membrane system components:
1. Canalicular System serves as delivery routes for substances ingested by platelets and route of extrusion of substances released from stimulated platelets
2. Dense Tubular System important for influencing the microtubule supporting the discoid platelet shape and site for prostaglandin synthesis
Platelet life span and turnover rate:
Life span: 5 to 10 days
In normal recipients: 2 to 9 days
Spends 5 days in circulation, 5 days in the bone marrow
2 groups of platelets:
Young platelets are hemostatically more effective
Old platelets are hemostatically less effective
Platelets collide randomly with one another in circulation
30% of the total circulating platelet population is normally sequestered in the spleen
Platelet events:
1. Adhesion
2. Release Reaction and Activation
3. Aggregation
Platelet adhesion:
Platelets do not adhere to intact endothelial cells under homeostatic conditions
Adhere to detached endothelial cells and subendothelial network of collagen fibrils, fibronectin, and basement membrane during injury
Requires von Willebrand factor (vWF) as a link between platelet glycoprotein receptor Ib (1b) and subendothelial connective tissue
Platelet release reaction and platelet activation:
Severe vessel injury exposes deeper vessel wall structures