Upward Communication

Cards (7)

  • Employees speak directly to management in an environment with an “open door” policy
  • Serial Communication – the message is relayed from an employee to her supervisor, who relays it to her supervisor, who, in turn, relays it to her supervisor, and so on until the message reaches the top
  • Minimize Unpleasant Messages Effect - Bad news and complaints are seldom relayed, in part due to the stress associated with delivering bad news
  • Attitude Surveys – administering a questionnaire by asking them to rate their opinions on such factors and list complaints or suggestions that they want management to read
  • Focus Groups and Exit Interviewsoutside consultant meets with the groups of current employees to get their opinions and suggestions
  • Suggestion Boxes – aka complaint boxes; allow employees to immediately communicate their feelings in an anonymous fashion
  • Third-Party Facilitators – responsible for taking employee complaints and suggestions and personally working with management to find solutions
    • Ombudsperson is neutral and works for a solution that is acceptable to both employees and management