9.4 Plant Reproduction

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  • Plants can reproduce in a number of different ways:
    • Vegetative propagation (asexual reproduction from a plant cutting)
    • Spore formations (e.g. moulds, ferns)
    • Pollen transfer (flowering plantsangiospermophytes)
  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves the transfer of pollen (male gamete) to an ova (female gamete)
    • This involves three distinct phases – pollination, fertilization and seed dispersal
  • Pollination:
    • The transfer of pollen grains from an anther (male plant structure) to a stigma (female plant structure)
    • Many plants possess both male and female structures (monoecious) and can potentially self-pollinate
    • From an evolutionary perspective, cross-pollination is preferable as it improves genetic diversity
  • Fertilisation:
    • Fusion of a male gamete nuclei with a female gamete nuclei to form a zygote
    • In plants, the male gamete is stored in the pollen grain and the female gamete is found in the ovule
  • Seed dispersal:
    • Fertilisation of gametes results in the formation of a seed, which moves away from the parental plant
    • This seed dispersal reduces competition for resources between the germinating seed and the parental plant
    • There are a variety of seed dispersal mechanisms, including wind, water, fruits and animals
    • Seed structure will vary depending on the mechanism of dispersal employed by the plant
  • Cross-pollination involves transferring pollen grains from one plant to the ovule of a different plant
    • Pollen can be transferred by wind or water, but is commonly transferred by animals (called pollinators)
  • Pollinators are involved in a mutualistic relationship with the flowering plant – whereby both species benefit from the interaction
    • The flowering plant gains a means of sexual reproduction (via the transference of pollen between plants)
    • The animal gains a source of nutrition (plants secrete a sugar-rich substance called nectar to attract pollinators
  • Common examples of pollinators include birds, bats and insects (including bees and butterflies)
    • Flowers may be structured to optimise access for certain pollinators (e.g. tube-shaped flowers for birds with long beaks)
  • Flowers are the reproductive organs of angiospermophytes (flowering plants) and develop from the shoot apex
    • Changes in gene expression trigger the enlargement of the shoot apical meristem
    • This tissue then differentiates to form the different flower structures – sepals, petals, stamen and pistil
  • The activation of genes responsible for flowering is influenced by abiotic factors – typically linked to the seasons
    • Flowering plants will typically come into bloom when a suitable pollinator is most abundant 
    • The most common trigger for a change in gene expression is day/night length (photoperiodism)
  • Flowers are the reproductive organs of angiospermophytes (flowering plants) and contain male and female structures
    • Most flowers possess both male and female structures (monoecious), but some may only possess one structure (dioecious)
  • The male part of the flower is called the stamen and is composed of:
    • Anther – pollen producing organ of the flower (pollen is the male gamete of a flowering plant)
    • Filament – slender stalk supporting the anther (makes the anther accessible to pollinators)
  • The female part of the flower is called the pistil (or carpel) and is composed of:
    • Stigma – the sticky, receptive tip of the pistil that is responsible for catching the pollen
    • Style – the tube-shaped connection between the stigma and ovule (it elevates the stigma to help catch pollen)
    • Ovule – the structure that contains the female reproductive cells (after fertilisation, it will develop into a seed)
  • In addition to these reproductive structures, flowers possess a number of other support structures:
    • Petals – brightly coloured modified leaves, which function to attract pollinators
    • Sepal – Outer covering which protects the flower when in bud
    • Peduncle – Stalk of the flower
  • The purpose of flowering is to enable the plant to sexually reproduce via pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal
    • Consequently, flowers need to bloom when pollinators are most active and abundant – this is dependent on seasons
    • Some plants bloom in long day conditions (summer), whereas other plants bloom in short day conditions (autumn / winter)
    The critical factor responsible for flowering is the length of light and dark periods, which is detected by phytochromes
  • Phytochromes are leaf pigments which are used by the plant to detect periods of light and darkness
    • The response of the plant to the relative lengths of light and darkness is called photoperiodism 
  • Phytochromes exist in two forms – an active form and an inactive form:
    • The inactive form of phytochrome (Pr) is converted into the active form when it absorbs red light (~660 nm)
    • The active form of phytochrome (Pfr) is broken down into the inactive form when it absorbs far red light (~725 nm)
    • Additionally, the active form will gradually revert to the inactive form in the absence of light (darkness reversion)
  • Because sunlight contains more red light than moonlight, the active form is predominant during the day
    • Similarly, as the active form is reverted in darkness, the inactive form is predominant during the night
  • Only the active form of phytochrome (Pfr) is capable of causing flowering, however its action differs in certain types of plants
    • Plants can be classed as short-day or long-day plants, however the critical factor in determining their activity is night length
  • Short-day plants flower when the days are short – hence require the night period to exceed a critical length
    • In short-day plants, Pfr inhibits flowering and hence flowering requires low levels of Pfr (i.e. resulting from long nights)
  • Long-day plants flower when the days are long – hence require the night period to be less than a critical length
    • In long-day plants, Pfr activates flowering and hence flowering requires high levels of Pfr (i.e. resulting from short nights)
  • Horticulturalists can manipulate the flowering of short-day and long-day plants by controlling the exposure of light
    • The critical night length required for a flowering response must be uninterrupted in order to be effective
  • Long-day plants require periods of darkness to be less than an uninterrupted critical length
    • These plants will traditionally not flower during the winter and autumn months when night lengths are long
    • Horticulturalists can trigger flowering in these plants by exposing the plant to a light source during the night
    • Carnations are an example of a long-day plant
  • Short-day plants require periods of darkness to be greater than an uninterrupted critical length
    • These plants will traditionally not flower during the summer months when night lengths are short
    • Horticulturalists can trigger flowering in these plants by covering the plant with an opaque black cloth for ~12 hours a day
    • Crysanthemums are an example of a short-day plant
  • When fertilisation occurs, the ovule will develop into a seed (which may be contained within a fruit)
    • The seed will be dispersed from the parental plant and will then germinate, giving rise to a new plant
  • A typical seed will possess the following features:
    • Testa – an outer seed coat that protects the embryonic plant
    • Micropyle – a small pore in the outer covering of the seed, that allows for the passage of water
    • Cotyledon – contains the food stores for the seed and forms the embryonic leaves
    • Plumule – the embryonic shoot (also called the epicotyl)
    • Radicle – the embryonic root
  • Germination is the process by which a seed emerges from a period of dormancy and begins to sprout
  • For germination to occur, a seed requires a combination of:
    • Oxygen – for aerobic respiration (the seed requires large amounts of ATP in order to develop)
    • Water – to metabolically activate the seed (triggers the synthesis of gibberellin)
    • Temperature – seeds require certain temperature conditions in order to sprout (for optimal function of enzymes)
    • pH – seeds require a suitable soil pH in order to sprout (for optimal function of enzymes)
  • Additional conditions for germination:
    • Fire – some seeds will only sprout after exposure to intense heat (e.g. after bushfires remove established flora)
    • Freezing – some seeds will only sprout after periods of intense cold (e.g. in spring, following the winter snows)
    • Digestion – some seeds require prior animal digestion to erode the seed coat before the seed will sprout
    • Washing – some seeds may be covered with inhibitors and will only sprout after being washed to remove the inhibitors
    • Scarification – seeds are more likely to germinate if the seed coat is weakened from physical damage