Did They Get What They Wanted?

Cards (9)

  • Woodrow Wilson
    • Pleased
    • league of nations created
    • disarmment - all defeated countries had to disarm
    • demilitirastion of rhineland, not a separate state so it’s self determination
    • collapse of many empires so they become free nations
    • Displeased
    • britain had too much naval supremacy didn’t agree with freedom of seas
    • british and french empires grew largely due to treaty
  • Georges Clemenceau
    • Pleased
    • return of alsace lorraine
    • largest portion of reparations to be given to france
    • rhineland demilitarised and guarded by frances allies
    • the articles of the treaty weakend germany massively
    • Displeased
    • congress voted against the treaty of usa protecting france if germany was to invade and britain wouldn’t commit too
    • german is not safe
  • David Lloyd George
    • Pleased
    • british empire grew as a result of dismantling of germany’s global empire
    • boosted britain’s naval supremacy as germany had to sink their ships
    • David’s ratings rised in the US
    • Displeased
    • probably less trade with germany
  • Saarland
    A) Saar coalfieldsd
    B) rhineland
    C) french
    D) german
    E) Germany
    F) saar
    G) rhineland
    H) demilitarised
  • Britain
    A) leniency
    B) stricter
    C) colonies
    D) navy
    E) selfishly
    F) satisfy
    G) public
    H) economically
    I) supported
    J) wilson
    K) compromises
  • Views
    A) threaten
    B) prosperity
    C) economies
    D) empires
    E) self-determination
    F) empires
    G) accepted
    H) demands
    I) independent
    J) eastern europe
    K) germany's colonies
  • Compromises
    A) restricted
    B) arny
    C) naval
    D) supremacy
    E) abandoned
    F) free navigation
    G) seas
    H) rhineland
    I) france
    J) demilitarised
    K) increase
    L) empires
    M) independence
    N) eastern european
    O) nations
    P) latvia
    Q) bulgaria
    R) reparation
    S) higher
    T) join
    U) league of nations
    V) worried
    W) reactions
    X) france
    Y) poland
  • Each leader had different public pressure
    • Britain and France suffered a large amount of casualties during the First World War
    • Lloyd George had won the 1918 election on the campaign to ‘make Germany pay’
    • Over two-thirds of the French Army died or were wounded in the First World War. TheFrench wanted to impose severe punishment on Germany.
    • The USA did not want revenge on Germany because they had not suffered as much in the First World War
    • They joined the war in 1917, much later than the other Allied countries
    • No fighting occurred on US soil
    • The USA suffered less in terms of casualties
  • Before entering the First World War, the USA gave loans to Allied countries
    • At the end of the conflict, the USA began to recall its loans
    • The repayments made the US economy boom