Scholastic situations where a person uses the language in presenting ideas effectively and formally.
Professional Context
Conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession.
Professional Context
Work-related situations where a person uses language in performing tasks at work.
Academic texts exhibit all the properties of a well-written text.
Scenes and/or ideas must be well ordered.
Presents ideas in a way that is not only logical but also interesting to keep the reader’s attention.
It is also known as arrangement, is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged with focus on the arrangement of ideas, incidents, evidence, or details in a definite order in a paragraph, essay, or speech.
The text has connection of ideas (concept level, sentence level, theme, or topic sentence).
It is achieved when a composition is focused on one idea.
In a unified text, all supporting ideas are relevant to the main thought. Without unity, text will be confusing.
The sensibility factor of the text which can be measured by the way the reader perceives or understands it.
It occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual level.
On the other hand, cohesion is the way words are cleverly used to make the message especially clear and strong for the reader.
It is the connection of ideas at the sentence level.
Language Use
Pertains to word choice – that choice that the writer employs to express his/her ideas.
Language Use
It is one of the clearest indicators of a well written text.
Language Use
It enables writers to effectively communicate ideas without confusing the reader. An effective language is: specific, concise, familiar, correct, and appropriate.
Quality of good written text that employs the rules of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
General Observations
They state critical questions and issues.
General Observations
They provide facts and evidence from credible sources.
General Observations
They use precise and accurate words while avoiding jargon and colloquial expressions.
General Observations
They take an objective point of view and avoid being personal and subjective.
General Observations
They list references.
General Observations
They use hedging or cautious language to done their claims.