Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics

Cards (12)

  • Gregor Mendel is an Austrian monk known as the "Father of Genetics"
  • locus
    specific place on a gene
  • diploid
  • haploid
  • paternal
  • maternal
  • Incomplete Dominance
    two alleles exist that are not completely dominant over each other; results in a "blending" effect
  • Co-Dominance
    two alleles exist and show themselves equally
  • Sex determination
    males have XY chromosomes (half of male sperm will carry an X and the other half will carry a Y); females have XX chromosomes (all of their eggs will have an X)
  • linkage
    genes for different traits found on the same chromosomes are typically inherited together
  • sex linkage
    genes found on the X chromosomes are considered "sex-linked" or "X-linked"
  • gamete
    1n haploid sex cell (sperm/ovum)