Function and Features of Parties

Cards (6)

  • What is a political party?
    An organisation of people with similar political values and views which develops a set of goals and policies that it seeks to convert into political action by obtaining government office or a share in government
  • How might a political party achieve its goals?
    Mobilising public opinion in its favour, selecting candidates for office, competing at elections and identifying suitable leaders
  • Where do Right Wing political beliefs derive from?
    Liberal and conservative ideology. These include a liberal focus on the importance of limiting excessive government, keeping taxation low and protecting individual liberty. The right also emphasises conservative values such as law and order and the importance of national sovereignty and strong defence.
  • What does the left wing emphasise?
    The importance of creating a fair and equal society through positive state intervention. This includes higher taxes on the wealthier, extensive welfare provision and greater state influence in the economy. The left wing is also socially progressive and favours an internationalist approach to global problems.
  • What is adversary politics?
    A period when there are vast ideological differences between the two main politics (opposite of consensus politics)
  • The main functions of a political party are:
    • selecting candidates
    • providing the personnel of government
    • electing a leader
    • policy formulation (manifesto)
    • campaigning
    • representation
    • mobilising consent for government