The Articles of Confederations showed more and more flaws : it was a calling of a new convention to revise the Articles
How many delegates were present during the meeting to write a New Constitution and what is their name ?
They were 55, they're called the Founding Fathers
What's the problem of representation seen in the Meeting between the Founding Fathers ?
They represented only a part of the population (no poor white, no African-American, no women) : it was not a fully democratic assembly.
Where and when took place the meeting to draft a Constitution ?
In Philadelphia from May 25, 1787 to September 17, 1787
What were the principal divisions during the meeting in Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution ?
Fierce divisions between the “Federalists” (George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson) and the Anti-Federalists.
The Federalists were proponents of a stronger central government while the Anti-Federalists were for a more limited power
New Jersey Plan : each State would have the same number of representatives in the legislative assembly
Virginia Plan : the number of representatives would be dependent on the wealth and pop of each State
Connecticut Compromise (aka GreatCompromise or Sherman’s Compromise) = solution adopted = bicameral Congress
Bicameral Congress is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives
In the Senate : every State would have the same number of representatives (member depends on the population)
In the House, the number of representatives would be based on the number of inhabitants of each states (=proportionality)
After drafting the new Constitution, arrived the question of slavery : Should slaves be counted as inhabitants (they were considered as property) ?
It was the most divisive issue
Solution for the question "Should slaves be counted as inhabitants ?"
The 3/5th Compromise
The “3/5th Compromise” : slaves would count as 3/5th of a white man (to increase the number of representatives in the South)
International slave trade was abolished in...
What did the abolition of international slave trade meant ?
People could have slaves and trade them within the country, but they couldn't bring them from another country
Sherman Compromise = federalism = sharing of power between the states and the central government
Legislative power is
The Congress, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives
The Executive power is
The President
The Judiciary power is
The Supreme Court
Checks and balances (équilibre des pouvoirs) : to check any abuse of power and keep a balance between the various branches.
Adoption of amendments :
They must be ratified by ⅔ of the members of Congress in both chambers
And they must be ratified by ¾ th of the States (States legislatures or States ratifying conventions).
Controversies about the lack of protection of fundamental civil rights → draft of a Bill of Rights
Why did the Bill of Rights was drafted ?
Because In the New Constitution, there was a lack of protection of fundamental civil rights
The Bill of Rights was drafted by... in...
James Madison in 1789
The purpose of the Bill of Right is to
restrict the power of the federal government over the citizens
Ratification of the... effective in 1791
Bill of Rights
How many amendments were in the Bill of Rights ?
10 amendments added to the US Constitution
The first amendment in the Bill of Rights protected...
The freedom of speech, of religion, free press, freedom of assemble
The second amendment in the Bill of Rights protected...
The right to bear arms
The particularity of the states concerning laws is that
They can't make any law that contradict the federal Constitution
The fifteenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights...
protected former slaves the right to vote (in 1870)
The Amendment that gave former slaves the right to vote was ratified in
The New constitution was effective in
The New Constitution was drafted in
Since some of the states were against this constitution because it couldn’t guarantee their rights, the Bill of Rights was drafted : protecting essential individual rights.