
Cards (12)

  • What does behavioural symptoms mean?
    the way people act - doing
  • what does emotional symptoms mean?
    the way people feel - feeling
  • what does cognitive symptoms mean?
    the way people think and process information - thinking
  • Symptoms of phobias
    • Having any one of these characteristics to the extent that they have a significant impact on a persons everyday life (work/social/education)
  • briefly state behavioural characteristics?
    avoidant / anxiety response
  • what is a behavioural characteristic off phobias?
    • as confrontation with stimuli produces high anxiety responses, efforts are made to avoid the feared objects and situations in order to reduce the chances of such anxiety responses occurring
  • briefly state 2 emotional symptoms of phobias?
    • persistent, excessive fear
    • fear from exposure to phobic stimulus
  • state one emotional symptoms- persistent excessive fear?
    high anxiety levels
    phobias produce high levels of anxiety due to the presence of or anticipation of feared objects and situations
  • state another emotional symptom- fear from exposure to phobic stimulus?
    phobias produce an immediate fear response, even PANIC ATTACKS, due to the presentation of the phobic object or situation
    DISPROPORTIONATE response to the threat posed
  • what is a cognitive symptom of a phobia- explain briefly?
    recognitition of exaggerated anxiety
  • fully describe the cognitvie symptom of a phobis?
    Recognition of exaggerated anxiety
    • consciously aware that the anxiety levels in relation to their feared object/situatiion are overstated
    • aware they have a phobia
  • give other cognitive symtoms of phobias?
    • selective attention
    • Irrational beliefs
    • cognitive distortions- perception of phobic stimulus is distorted