blood travels through gill capillaries in the samedirection as water flow across gills
diffusion can only occur until concentrations are equal
diffusion only occurs across part of the gill lamella
because oxygen concentration in gill capillaries increase, only 50% of oxygen is absorbed from water
in counter current flow:
water always has a higher oxygen concentration than blood in gill capillaries
oxygen diffuses into gill capillaries across the entire length of the lamella
gills absorb 80% oxygen from water across gills
inspiration in bong fish ( counter current flow ):
mouth opens
operculum closes
buccal floor lowers
volume of buccal cavity increases
pressure inside buccal cavity decreases
water flows into mouth from high pressure to low pressure
expiration in bong fish ( counter current flow ):
mouth closes
operculum opens
buccal floor raises
volume of buccal floor decreases
pressure inside buccal floor increases
water flows out over gills from high to low pressure
each gill is made of lots of thin plates called gill filaments which are attached to a bony gill arch ( creating a large surface area for water to flow over )
gill filaments are covered in lots of tiny folds called lamella which further increase the surface area of the gills
lamellae have lots of blood capillaries and a thin layer of cells
gas exchange happens at the lamellae, water flows over them in an opposite direction to the blood flow
internal gills are protected by an operculum and need to be actively ventilated
the fish takes in water through its buccal cavity
fish are active with a high metabolic rate, gas exchange takes place across their gills