The eye is a calm and cloud-free zone, where the air is descending
Warm ocean waters
Tropical cyclone needs a warm sea surface temperature
The warm water heats the air above
Rise and forms a low pressure area
2. Evaporation and Condensation
Warm air rises
Cools in the air
The moisture carries condensation to the clouds
Then rains
This process releases latent heat into the atmosphere
Which causes the air to rse
3. Earth'sRotation (coriolis effect)
Warm air continues to rise
Earth’s rotation causes the rising air to spin
Northern hemisphere spins counterclockwise
Southern hemisphere spins clockwise,
Eye: Center, the calm part
Eye wall: Around the eye, strongest winds and rain
Rain bands: Clouds that spin
PhilippineArea of Responsibility (PAR):
Defined by the World Meteorological Organization.
Designates the area in which PAGASA (PhilippineAtmospheric, Geophysical, and AstronomicalServicesAdministration) is responsible for monitoring weather events.
Once a tropical cyclone enters PAR, PAGASA starts issuing advisories and updates regarding its development and potential impacts on the Philippines.
Change in Names:
When a tropical cyclone enters PAR, PAGASA assigns it a local name.
This helps in localizing and tracking the cyclone more effectively within the Philippines.
Effect on the Philippines:
Cyclones typically approach the Philippines from the east.
Once a cyclone enters PAR, it does not necessarily mean that it will directly affect the Philippines.
However, PAGASA continues to monitor its movement and provide updates to ensure preparedness and safety measures are in place.
Geographical Location and Typhoons in the Philippines:
The Philippines is prone to typhoons due to its geographical location.
Situated in the WesternPacific Ocean, the Philippines is within an area known for its active typhoon activity.
The country lies in the path of the TyphoonBelt, a region characterized by frequent typhoon occurrences.
These factors contribute to the Philippines being highly vulnerable to the impacts of typhoons, including strong winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, and flooding.
Typhoons and cyclones can weaken if they encounter landmasses or pass over colder air, which disrupts their heat and moisture supply.
The duration of a typhoon typically lasts for about 3 days to a week, depending on various factors such as environmental conditions and the storm's intensity.
The Philippines experiences an average of 20 typhoons each year, making it one of the most typhoon-prone countries in the world.
Additional Information:
In the Northern Hemisphere, tropical cyclones are referred to as hurricanes.
In the Southern Hemisphere, they are called cyclones.
In the Northwest Pacific Ocean (including the Philippines), they are known as typhoons.