Functions of the extracellular matrix include furnishing mechanical support for the cells, transporting nutrients to the cells, and carrying away catabolites and secretory products
Histopathology deals with the study of the basic disease process, correlating the etiology of disease with the course development of anatomic and clinical changes brought about by disease
The aim of histopathological technique is to produce microscopic preparations of tissues usually stained, that represent as closely as possible their structures
Exfoliative cytology is a branch of science that deals with the study of cells that have been desquamated from epithelial surfaces originated from exfoliative cells coming from the lining epithelium and mucosa of different organs of the body
Tissue processing involves processing tissues from the body taken for diagnosis of disease processes in the histology laboratory to produce microscopic slides viewed under the microscope by pathologists
Fixation is done to prevent autolysis and bacterial attack, fix the tissues so they will not change their volume and shape during processing, and prepare tissue for clear staining of sections
Clearing is the process of replacing the dehydrating fluid with a fluid that is totally miscible with both the dehydrating fluid and the embedding medium