
Cards (15)

  • Attachment= A close 2 way emotional bond between 2 individuals in which each individual sees the other as essential for their own emotional security
  • Recognition of attachments
    Proximity= People try to stay physically close to those whom they are attached
    Separation distress= People distressed when attachment figure leaves presence
    Secure-base behaviour = even when independent from attachment figures we tend to make regular contact with them. Infants display this
  • Interactions that are non-verbal can sometimes form the basis of an attachment between an infant and caregiver.
  • Reciprocity= How 2 people interact. For example, mother- infant reciprocal as infant and mother respond to each others signals and each respond to the other.
  • Interactional synchrony is when 2 people are said to be in synchrony and they carry out actions at the same time. Isabella et al found that higher levels of synchrony is associated with better quality attachments
  • Schaffer and Emerson showed that at around age 7 months an infants first attachment is usually with the mother and the second is formed later. by 18 months 75% of infants have formed an attachment with their dad.
  • Schaffer and Emerson showed that the father is much more likely to be the secondary attachment figure.
  • The role of the father
    Grossman conducted a longitudinal study at babies until they were teens. He looked at the quality of children attachments to others later in life and their parents behaviour. The findings showed that babies attachments with mothers but not fathers was related to attachments in adolescence. This suggests attachment with mother is more important. however, quality of play from father related to quality of adolescence attachments
  • Lorenz's research
    • To study attachments in humans we can study animals. The formation of early bonds is common to a range of species.
    • Lorenz first observed imprinting when he was a child and neighbour gave him newly hatched ducklings that followed him.
    • Procedure- one control group- group of geese eggs but left with mum, one experimental group- one group of geese eggs placed in incubator, first thing they saw when hatched was Lorenz and started following him
  • Lorenz research findings
    • Geese divided themselves up and one followed mum, other lorenz
    • Imprinting restricted to a definite period of time. If an anima not seen moving object and within critical period it will not imprint
    • Imprinting similar to attachment that binds young to caregiver
    • Imprinting is irreversible
    • Lorenz defined a critical period where imprinting occurs.
  • Lorenz evaluation
    • Cannot be generalised to humans as our cultures and cognitive processes are more complex than other animals. animals cognition doesn't work in the same way, humans can plan ahead, animals can't. This means that it is different foe humans. Weakness and its an oversimplified way for humans
    • Later researchers questioned Lorenz conclusions. Guiton et al found chickens imprinted on yellow rubber gloves and tried too mate with them as adults. However as adults with experience they learn to prefer other chickens. Imprinting is not permanent as Lorenz suggested
  • Harlow
    • Aim- Demonstrate attachment is not based off feeding bond
    • Procedure- Monkey had choice of 2 mothers 'wire' mother for food or the cloth mother for comfort
    • Findings-most attached to the cloth mother but never formed a real attachment. As mothers some of the deprived monkeys neglected their young,others attacked children and even ate them. Following the maternally deprived monkeys into adulthood he found that the monkeys who had the wire mothers were dysfunctional but the monkeys with the cloth mother did not develop normal social behaviour. They were more aggressive and bread less
  • Harlow
    • Findings continued- Research supports importance if bonding between mother/ infant. Monkeys who weren't shown affection or couldn't cuddle with mother had trouble gaining weight thus affection has a large impact.
    • conclusion- critical period, mother figure had to be introduced within 90 days after this attachment impossible and early deprivation damage was irreversible.
  • Harlow evaluation
    • Theoretical value-Demonstrated importance of love and affection specifically contact comfort for healthy childhood development. Demonstrated children become attached to caregivers that provide warmth and love
    • Practical vaalue- Profound implications for childcare. Due to importance of early experiences on long term development, its vital that all children needs are catered for.
  • Harlow evaluation
    • Ethical issues- Use of animals. Animals have no right to be researched and harmed for the pursuit of academic conclusion for human benefit which is detrimental to them. Monkeys showed distress when taken from mothers. Breach BPS guidelines