Formulas: The Formulas consist of FunctionLibrary , DefinedNames , FormulaAuditing and Calculation
Usage of MS Excel
•Data Entry
• Time Management
• Accounting
• Financial analysis
• Charting and Graphing
• Financial Modeling
• Programming
• Task Management and DataManagement
• Customer RelationshipManagement(CRM)
• MathematicalCalculations
•Human Resource Management
Cell : The intersection of Row and column
Cell reference : The cells are referenced by the cell name.
Active Cell : The current selected Cell
Workbook : Comprises one or more worksheets.
Worksheet : Multiple worksheets are nested within a single workbook.
Worksheet tab : Presented at the bottom left of the spreadsheet.
Column and Row Heading : The column letter and row number are outside the rows and columns. Selecting the Header will select the entire Row and column .
Formula : Generate the accurate result for the given problem. It is entered in a particular cell preceded by a "=" sign.
Formula bar : At the top of the worksheet where the formulas or values are entered.
Filter : In the Sort & Filter tab in the top right of the Home bar. It displays the user-specified data in the selected rows and columns.
Auto fill : Fills the required data in multiple cells. The data containing the respective Cell is selected ,and drag the bottom right corner to the specified amount of Cell to auto - fill the data.
Auto Sum : Used to add the data present in the selected Cell. The Auto Sum option is present in the top right of the home page in the "Sort and Filter" tab.
Pivot Table : Automatically sorts and calculates the data for the selected data. It is presently left to the Insert tab.
Pivot Chart : Represents the data in graph format. It is located in the middle of the Insert Page next to Maps.