oxygen atom double bonded to carbon atom bonded to -OH group
Carboxyl acid - Acetic acid
4 ways that carbon skeleton can vary:
vary in length
may have double bonds, which can vary in location
may be unbranched or branched
some are arranged rings, in the abbreviated structural formula of a compound, each corner represents a carbon and its attached hydrogen
Phosphorus atom bonded to 4 oxygen atoms
1 oxygen bonded to carbon skeleton
2 oxygens carry negative charges
organic phosphate - Glycerol phosphate
carbon bonded to 3 hydrogen atoms
carbon of methyl group may be attached to a carbon or to a different atom
Methylated compounds - 5 methyl cytosine
All living things are built of macromolecules:
"macro" - large
most macromolecules are polymers
nucleic acid
Macromolecules - dehydration reaction:
synthesizing a polymer
removes a water molecule, forming a new bond
macromolecules - hydrolysis:
breaking down a polymer
hydrolysis adds a water molecule, breaking a bond
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP):
energy storing molecule
macromolecules are built with energy from ATP and similar compounds
ATP can be synthesized in the reverse reaction, so that the molecule is "charged"
ATP reacts with H2O ---produce----> 1 inorganic phosphate + ADP + energy
lipids - saturated fats:
At room temp, molecules of saturated fat, are packed closely together forming a solid
structural formula -
Lipids - unsaturated fats:
At room temp, molecules of unsaturated fats can not pack together closely enough to solidify because of the kinks in some of their fatty acid hydrocarbon chains
structural formula -
macromolecules - lipids:
formation of many macromolecules in the cell is based on reactions similar to this neutralization reaction (acid + base = salt + water)
their mechanism is different (dehydration = condensation)
structure of phospholipids:
hydrophilic head
Hydrophobic tail
head consists of
tail consists of
fatty acids
structure of phospholipids:
In water, phospholipids spontaneously form a double layer called a membrane
hydrophilic head
Hydrophobic tail
head consists of
tail consists of
fatty acids
a double bond between 2 of the carbon atoms in 1 of the hydrocarbon (fatty acid)tail causes a slight kink on the molecules, which results in forming space inside of the membrane
composition of cell plasma membrane:
Hydrophilic region
carbohydrate side chains (sugars)
phospholipids heads
Hydrophobic region
Phospholipids tails
TEM of a plasma membrane:
TEM - transmission electro microscope
when using electrons instead of light we get a higher resolution
the plasma membrane of a red blood cell appears as a pair of dark bonds separated by a light band
Lipids - Steroids:
have skeleton of 4 interconnected carbon rings
usually not very water soluble
Cholesterol, estrogen, testosterone
Backbone of steroids
the precursor of several other steroids (testosterone and estrogen)
Testosterone and Estrogen:
differ only by the functional group attached to the same carbon skeleton
has a profound effect on the body and the sexuality of an animal
natural wax made of - long-chain fatty acid bonds with a long-chain alcohol
secreted onto plant leaves and insect cuticles
very nonpolar and exclude water - provide a barrier to water loss
high melting point - solid at normal temp
resistant to degradation
structural element in colonies (bee hives)
Aldoses (Aldehyde sugars)
Ketoses (ketone sugars)
Aldoses (Aldehyde sugars):
Carbonyl group at end of carbon skeleton
Trioses - 3 carbon sugars (C3H6O3)
Glyceraldehyde - an initial breakdown product of glucose
Pentoses - 5 carbon sugars (C5H10O5)
Ribose - component of RNA
Hexoses - 6 carbon sugars (C6H12O6)
Glucose & Galactose - energy source of organisms
Ketoses (Ketone sugars):
Carbonyl group within carbon skeleton
Trioses - 3 Carbon sugar (C3H6O3)
Dihydroxyacetone - an initial breakdown product of glucose
Pentoses - 5 carbon sugar (C5H10O5)
Ribulose - An intermediate in photosynthesis
Hexoses - 6 carbon sugar (C6H12O6)
Fructose - An energy source of organisms
Monosaccharides can exist in 2 forms:
linear form
Circular (ring) form
Dehydration reaction in the synthesis of maltose:
the bonding of two glucose units from maltose
Glycosidic linkage joins number 1 carbon of one glucose to number 4 carbon from second glucose
joining glucose monomers in a different way would result in a different disaccharide
dehydration reaction in the synthesis or sucrose:
disaccharide formed from glucose and fructose
fructose forms a 5 sided ring
2 circular monosaccharide molecules can form a disaccharide
glucose - the major energy-reach molecule in human blood
the main production of photosynthesis transported by plant "blood" sap
many monosaccharide molecules can form a polysaccharide
a plant polysaccharide
in the chloroplast glucose is made and then stored and starch granules
two forms of starch:
amylose (unbranched)
amylopectin (branched)
an animal polysaccharide
animal cells stockpile glycogen as dense clusters of granules within liver and muscle cells
mitochondria are cellular organelles that help break down glucose released from glycogen
NOTE: glycogen is more branched than amylopectin starch
alpha and beta glucose and ring structures
These 2 interconvertible forms of glucose differ in the placement of the hydroxyl group attached to number 1 carbon
different isomer forms of glucose build polysaccharides with very different properties (starch and cellulose)
alpha and beta glucose ring structures
starch 1-4 linkage of alpha glucose monomers
cellulose: 1-4 linkage of beta glucose monomers
1-4 linkage of alpha glucose monomers
all monomers are in the same orientation
position of -OH differs in starch from those in cellulose
1-4 linkage of beta glucose monomers
every beta glucose monomer is upside down with respect to its neighbors
Cellulose microfibrils in a plant cell wall:
about 80 cellulose molecules associate to form a microfibril
main architectural unit of the plant cell wall
Cellulose molecules
is an unbranched glucose polymer
glucose monomer
parallel cellulose molecules are help together by hydrogen bond between hydroxyl groups attached to carbon atoms 3 and 6