psychodynamic approach

Cards (11)

  • overall assumptions
    1. emphasis on the unconscious mind
    2. most behaviours stem from past childhood experiences
    3. one of the most influential psychologists is Freud
  • the roles of the unconscious
    1. protect us (using defence mechanisms) to prevent abnormalities like anxiety/depression
    2. drive personality
  • the tripartite structure of personality
    Id(0-18months)- pleasure principle
    Ego(18months-3yrs)- reality principle
    Superego(3yrs-6yrs)- morality principle
  • If the Id is more in control it can lead to psychotic behaviour
  • If the superego is more in control it can lead to neurotic behaviour(e.g. OCD, anxiety)
  • defence mechanisms roles
    1. manage conflict between id and superego
    2. provide compromise solutions
    3. provide a strategy to reduce anxiety
  • the overuse of defence mechanisms can be maladaptive (not adapting to environment helping yo) and can lead to abnormalities (such as drinking/smoking)
  • denial- not acknowledging reality
    displacement- taking out emotion on a substitute object
    repression- unpleasant memories pushed down into the unconscious
  • defence mechanisms evaluations:
    -some people can remember their traumatic experiences
    -lacks falsifiability and is unscientific
  • psychosexual stages
    1. oral(0-1yrs)- pleasure in the mouth. can lead to chain smoking/ biting nails
    2. anal(1-3yrs)- pleasure in the anus. anal retentive-OCD anal expulsive- messy, creative
    3. phallic(3-5yrs)-genital area. oepidus/electra complex. leads to homosexuality
    4. latency(6-11yrs)- represses earlier conflicts
    5. genital(12+yrs)- sexual desires. leads to difficulty with relationships
  • psychodynamic evaluations:
    🙂practical application (psychoanalysis)
    ☹️lacks falsifiability and is unscientific
    ☹️too much emphasis on past experiences
    🙂/☹️psychic determinism